Chapter 8.

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"Why did you have to say that, there was no need!" Toheeb said frustratingly, dragging his hair. He had gone home on his own, still really mad at his mom for what she said earlier in the hospital.

"Don't you dare raise your voice at your mom. She didn't tell you to knock up someone's daughter, did she?" Mr Badmus said in anger.

"Well, I won't be able to ask for forgiveness now, neither would I be able to be in the life of my child!" He continued, his voice raising a little.

"I didn't mean what I said, I was only defending you." Came his mom's soft voice. She was feeling really guilty after she said what she said to Ade, she felt her dream of becoming a grandma was in vain. She won't even be able to see her grandchild a because of a sentence. Since her first daughter and child wasn't at all ready to get married talk more of having a child, she had put hope in Toheeb. Though, she didn't expect the grandchild to be out of wedlock.

"I already made myself clear. I did what I did." He said softly, going close to his mom and holding her hands. "Now, we don't know what's going to happen. Am I going to jail, or what?" He dropped her hands gently. At this point, he didn't care if he was going to jail. If that's what it takes to own up to what he did, he would be glad to receive life imprisonment. But he knew better. He also couldn't ignore the fact that he was going to be a dad, though there was a very high chance, he won't be getting to see his child anytime soon. That's even if his child decides to see him when he's all grown up.

He rubbed his hands over his face. He brought out his phone to call Gbola, maybe he would help him get information concerning Aderonke. A phone number or an address. After some seconds, he picked. He asked what he wanted from him and Gbola assured him he would give him the needed info as soon as he gets it.

He got up and pecked his mom, before sauntering to his room not minding the looks from his sister. If he trusted anyone amongst his sisters, it would be Rahmat. His elder sister was just a very annoying person that was always on their dad's side, which he hated. She is nine years older than him, she was born in their mom's early twenties. The age gap between them was the barrier to a better sibling ship among them. She was hardly ever home, because she has her own clothing line and felt she doesn't need to depend on their dad anymore, so she left the house for them. Sometimes people mistake Toheeb as the first kid.

He didn't know Rahmat was becoming just like their elder sister, as she wasn't a person to keep secrets with. He thought he was going to be able to keep the secret with Rahmat since she had found out, but he was really wrong. Now he wishes she just never found out or anyone in his family at all, just himself and his best friend and he would sort things out himself.

He laid on his bed thinking about how he's going to beg Ade to forgive him and let him do what fathers are supposed to do, but he highly doubt the plump beauty would ever accept that he come into their life. He would do anything to see his baby once. He slept off into a dreamless slumber.


"Got it, I'll send her phone number and address right now." Gbola said immediately Toheeb picked his call. He had been looking for Ade's number ever since Toheeb asked for his help.

"Thanks bro, I owe you one." He smiled a little. Atleast he wishes to talk to her alone, if she lets him.

"Nah, you owe me two." Gbola joked, before the two guys chuckled. Gbola could swear that was the first time he heard Toheeb chuckle ever since the incident happened a week ago.

Toheeb hung up and waited for Gbola to send the details of Ade. Not up to a minute, he got a text from him. He contemplated whether to call Ade now, since it's been a week. He found his thumb hovering over the green button on his phone screen, he pressed it and waited. It rang continuously until it stopped. She didn't pick up the call. He found himself thinking if she has his number before and doesn't want to pick up, he knew that was stupid, since they had never met, so he didn't call back.


That same night, he couldn't sleep. He felt as though he needed solace in just hearing her voice. He turned and turned but couldn't get a wink of sleep. He picked up his phone and unlocked it. It was still showing the green button to call Ade. He finally had the guts to press it. It ringed for some seconds and after the third ring, his heartbeat increased.

"Hello?" Came Ade's sleepy voice. Her voice kept echoing in his ears, that he almost forgot the reason he called. "Hello?" He heard her voice again and snapped out of his trance.

"Um..... Sorry, it's...." He trailed off. He was scared he would hang up immediately hearing his name, that thought alone increased his heartbeat more, if it was anymore possible. "It's Toheeb." He he said. There was a deafening silence that followed and Toheeb didn't like it one bit. "Are you there?" He asked, unsure of if she had hung up on him, not that he would be surprised anyways.

"What do you want?" The venom in her voice sent shivers down his spine. He has never heard anyone talk with that much hatred in their tone and it scared him to the core.

"See, Ade, I'm real-"

"Oh, you want to take advantage of me again huh?!" She cut him off, and that sentence broke him. It broke him more than finding out that she is pregnant.

"No, no, it's not that. I promise." His voice broke.

"Then what do you want?" He could hear the crack in her voice and he knew he had messed up by calling her at that time.

"I just wanted to apologize." He said rubbing his hands over his face

"You just wanted to apologize, for what exactly? For rap-raping me? For getting my 19 year old self pregnant, or for what exactly?" He could hear the thick sarcasm from her already sobbing voice. It broke him to the core that he is the reason she is sobbing that hard. He felt himself open his mouth to say something, anything at all, but nothing came out.

"Can we meet in person?" He asked, scared of her reply. There was a very sad laughter that resounded around his ears.

"In person you say? So you can do it all over again?" He groaned in frustration. She was making it hard for him.

"Your friend, your sister anyone can be there, please." He begged harder, thinking she would let him.

"No!" Was all he heard before the beeping sound followed. She had hung up on him. He screamed into his pillow and couldn't help the tears that escaped his eye. The guilt was eating him up.

Late update, I've been having serious migraine and I've also been carried away, you shouldn't have some certain people in your life😂

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