Chapter 36.

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"I don't like him, I don't like him, I don't like anyone." Ade kept singing to herself in the bathroom while she paced around as her bathtub was getting filled with water. She had been feeling the movement of her babies for sometime, so she decided to get into the bathtub.

After he dropped her off at home the day his mom got discharged. He would send good morning texts and goodnight texts with different emojis. He would randomly send her pregnancy tips and ask if she had eaten, and in the evening, if she had gone for a walk. He sent her a text earlier, telling her they would go out the next day to make up for not seeing her that very day. She remembered how she read the texts over and over again.

"I'm sorry I won't come around today, I'm helping a friend with something. Be careful and don't do anything stressful, I'll give you a massage when we meet 💕." His exact words. The fact he added the double heart emoji made her heart beat accelerate and she smiled remembering the text.

"Get out of my head!" She Screamed into her palms and looked back to see the water already pouring out of the bathtub. She quickly turn off the tap and unblocked the bathtub for the water to drain out. While that was draining out, she started cleaning the wet floor. She put in bubble in the water and got in half clothed. Her stomach was a little bit showing on the surface of the water and she was only a few weeks pregnant. She wondered how huge she'll get when she gets to 28th week of pregnancy..

A knock sounded on the bathroom door and she turned around to see Mide walking in. She could see the sadness in her sister's face and the fact her swollen face gave out that she was crying.

"Gosh, what happened to you?" Ade tried to get up but Mide signaled her to just stay as she was.

"Why were you shouting "get out of my head", who's in your head?" Mide asked and tried to steer the question away from her.

"It's nothing. Your face look swollen, I'm sure it's not because of Ola, he takes good care of you, so what's wrong?" Ade asked, also trying to steer the question away from her.

"It's nothing..." Mide sighed and rubbed her eyes as fresh tears glistened and threatened to fall out of her eyes. Ade who noticed this carefully got out of the bathtub and helped her sister out of the bathroom.

"Now, I know there's something, what is it? You're crying while you're coming from your husband's house!" Ade said and held her sister's face. She knew she'll get answers, she just needed to be a little patient, but her patience was wearing out. She looked around in frustration and her gaze caught the box her sister brought in by the door. Her eyes widened and she glared at Mide.

"what did he do?!" Ade asked and stood up, dangerously too fast for her babies. She felt a kick but ignored the pain and looked at a sobbing Mide.
"He's not ready to have a baby and I'm ready, he decided not to tell me and has been giving me contraceptives for two years. I didn't notice and today, he ordered it but didn't expect me to be home earlier than him and I saw it. At first I thought he was cheating on me and needed it foe his lover, but... He confessed he has been using it on me because he isn't ready for a baby. He didn't think of the complications using contraceptive could cause and he used it on me for two years. I don't even think I can trust him enough to take anything from him now." Mide explained and broke into a fresh heart wrenching sob. Ade who didn't know what to say just rubbed her sisters back. This is something she can't interfere in, its a couple stuff and she knows they would settle it, even if it would take time.

Ade looked at her sister and rubbed he tears off her cheeks and smiled at her.

"You guys would settle this, I can't do nothing about it. I'm wire he loves you so much and he was just blinded by not wanting a child and forgot about complications. You will be fine." Ade said and hugged Mide who returned the hug and sniffed.

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