Chapter 21.

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Toheeb groaned as he hit the steering wheel of his car.

"What's wrong?" He muttered getting down from his car.

He had left the hospital after an hour of staying with Ade, his mom called telling him his dad was home and wanted to see him. He knew it wouldn't be a good conversation, but he didn't say anything.

He opened up the bonnet of his car and checked it, he knew a little about how to fix cars, but he didn't know what was wrong with his car. He went back to get his phone, but his battery was down. He groaned and kicked his tires.

Luckily for him, he was able to park well by the roadside, when he noticed the car started having faults. A black jeep drove by, but stopped some meters away from him, before it reversed back and parked in front of his car.

Ari came down from the sleek jeep. She saw it was Toheeb, so she told her driver to reverse. She walked towards him. He was backing her, so he didn't see her coming.

Toheeb felt a tap on his shoulders and turned around. He was met with a pretty girl who looked familiar, but he couldn't place a finger from where he knew her from. She was smiling at him and he couldn't help but compare her smile with Ade's.

Ade's smile was much more calm but blinding, with her full pearly whites. While the girl standing in his front was plain wide and looked forced, even though he knew it wasn't. He corked his brows, indicating he can't remember who she is. He saw hurt flash through her eyes, but it was gone faster than it came.

"I'm Ari, Ade's best friend." Ari said smiling. He nodded his head, still not remembering but didn't want to come off as rude. "I know you still can't remember, I'm the third one that left because my dad called for me and couldn't come with you guys to the hospital." Ari said making Toheeb remember who she was now and nodded his head.
"Oh, yes I remember now." Toheeb nodded his head.

"So, you need help?" Ari asked, gesturing to his car. He nodded his head, he didn't feel comfortable with her around.

"OK, why dont you call a towing company and my driver could drop you off?" Ari asked. She just wanted him near her.

"No it's fine, if I could just have your phone for a minute, I won't waste your time. My battery is down." He replied. She gave him her phone without hesitating.

He walked a few feet away from her. He called Gbola and hoped he wasn't too busy, he just never leaves his computer. Being a computer engineering student, he was very smart. He hacked a lot of systems for big companies, already making his own money.

Gbola picked on the fourth ring.

"Hello?" He said, his voice muffled. Toheeb knew he was eating tacos, that was the only thing he liked eating.

"Bruh, I need help. Come get me in Wilson Road, Berginham." I quickly said into the phone.

"Alright, give me Ten minutes." They hung up and he deleted Gbolas number from Ari's phone and handed it back to her, muttering a thanks.

"So... Would you like to wait in my car till he comes?" Ari asked.

"No thanks, I'll just wait in my own car." Toheeb said, making Ari hurt. She smiled again and nodded her head.

"Alright I'll keep you company then. If you dont mind, that is." Ari said. He didn't like the way she was forcing herself on him, but he doesn't want her to sabotage his chances with his kids. He knew how girls work, so he nodded his head.

Ari tried making conversations with him, but he either nodded his head or replied with a 'hm'. She got tired and stopped trying to get him to talk. They sat in silence waiting for Gbola. He finally showed up.

"Hey man." Gbola said immediately he got off his car. He and Toheeb did the bro hand shake stuff and pulled away. Gbola glanced at Ari and nodded his head in greetings. She did the same.

"Thanks for the company." Toheeb said to Ari, while Gbola was making a call to a towing company.

"You're welcome." She was about to say something when Gbola got the attention of Toheeb, she cussed silently at Gbola. Toheeb waved at her and went to meet Gbola.

"Who's that?" Gbola asked, side glancing at Ari.

"Ade's friend." Toheeb replied shortly. The look Gbola gave him was supposed to make him angry but he just shrugged it off. He gave him a look of, i thought you knocked her up too.

The towing company came and took Toheebs car away to their workshop for repair. He collected the address and Gbola drove him home.


"You're home, I've been calling your number." His mom said worriedly. He went closer to her and pecked her cheek. She was waiting by the door for him.

"Where's he and why did he come home?" He asked immediately. His mom looked away and he wished he won't have to punch something or someone rather.

They both made their way to the dining where his dad and surprisingly his elder sister were seated. He bowed his head in respect and sat down away from his dad and elder sister. Both of them has always been against his decisions.

"You called for me." He went straight to the point, ignoring his sister's look of disbelief.

"And you can't acknowledge your elder sister." Toheeb clenched his fists and gritted his teeth before he looked at Aniola.

"Hey." Then he looked away.

"You have to take over the company as fast as possible, and if you can't you'll have to marry my partner and friends daughter who's is willing to take over both companies if she gets married to you. And you don't have to worry about the babies you have outside, we can keep it a secret from them-"

"Fuck you! Fuck your stupid business and partner. I'm not getting married to any fucking whore!" Toheeb cut his father short, standing up and breaking numerous glasses in the process.

"Sit down To-" His mom started in fear but he cut her off too.

"No I won't, why didn't he force Aniola to take over his business? He let her chase after her dreams and I don't have that ri-" He was screaming when a punch met with his jaw, shutting him up immediately. He staggered back and looked at his father who was fuming. His mom stood up and got in the middle of father and son, her eyes teary.

"Shut your fucking mouth up! You will do as I say or I'll make your life a living hell. Marry her or take over the comp-"

"I won't! Do your worst!" Toheeb said and walked out. His dad breathing got erratic and he chased after Toheeb and swung a punch at the back of his head. Toheeb hit his head on the wall in front of him and turned around, receiving another punch on his left eye. His mom's screaming fell into deaf ears as both men began swinging punches at eachother. Both of them fell to the ground.


Happy 700 reads!!!😘😘😘Here's an update.

I really want to get to know my readers 😭😭😭is it a crime ni?😭

Comment na and share 😘😘
We could get to know eachother 😉😉I'm just a DM away💃

Happy new year!!!!🎉🎉🎊🎊

Three chapters back to back, so I expect votes and comments and please🙏🙏🙏 let's reach 1k today. How can y'all reach that? Just share😘😘

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