Chapter 22.

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Ajoke smiled at her phone for the umpteenth time that morning, looking at the text message.

"Why are you smiling at your phone?" Her mom, Mrs Yusuf asked barging into her room. Ajoke quickly put her phone off and stared ahead.

"Nothing, I saw a cat dancing." She lied. Her mom looked at her, arranging Ajoke's neatly folded clothes in her closet.

"Nothing and then a cat dancing? Alright. Don't forget to tell him your dad doesn't want any boy around you.

"My step dad and he can't decide for me, he's not my real dad." Ajoke said. Her mom looked at the clothes she was arranging. Ajoke never took her step dad as her own, she didn't like the man and his three kids. Ahmad, Muhammed and Mazida. Ahmad who is 23, Muhammad who is 19 and Mazida who is 16. Ahmad who always got away with sexually harassing her wasn't home and she was really glad. She couldn't tell her mom and the only person she could tell was Ade, not even Ari.

Mazida and Ajoke only talk to eachother when necessary, which was only when it was time to make dinner. Her mom made sure to pair them together all the time so they would have some bond together, but it wasn't happening.

Ajokes dad died when she was 11. She was so sad and fell into depression for a year, until Ade and Ari helped her. She wouldn't want to go to her therapist alone until Ade or Ari followed her. Her mom thought she only wanted a father's love and remarried for her sake when she clocked 13, not knowing it only worsened her mental state.

Things started going well, though she never spoke to her step siblings, she was always at Ade's with Ari just to get away from them. She heard their mom died after Mazida was born, but she didn't care.

Her mom would leave her and her step siblings with Ahmad because he was the oldest to take care of them, while they went to work. She never agreed to share a room with her step sister, so she stayed alone in her room. Ahmad would go into her room when it was their nap time and would touch her inappropriately.

At first, she thought it would stop and never spoke about it to anyone, but it didn't. It went on for a year when she couldn't hold it anymore and would try to scream. He would muffle her screams and threaten to kill her and also deny whatever she would report about him since she had no proof, she kept quiet.

When she clocked 16 and he didnt stop, she decided to tell someone and that was Ade. Ade was really mad at him and hated him from that moment. She always had a crush on him, he was a really cute guy with a bad character.

Ade confronted him about it and he threw her into the river, luckily Ari could swim and helped her out. Both girls didn't know how to drive, but learnt with his car, scratching and hitting polls and ended up pushing it over the brigde, into the water. They thought that would stop him until he got really angry and took his abuse to another level.

❌⚠SEXUAL ABUSE️ BELOW⚠️❌( Skip if you can't read it.)

That day she was the only one at home, her other step siblings had gone to their friends house. Ade traveled with her parents and siblings for a vacation and she was told she would be staying at home with Ahmad and the rest. When Ade heard, she didn't want to go with her parent and stay with Ajoke, but she knew her parents would ask and she had promised Ajoke she wouldn't say anything if she didn't want it.

She was in her room watching movies when she heard the front door open, she thought it was Mazida and continued watching her movie. Her door swung open and revealed Ahmad. She closed her laptop and glared at him, ready to save herself from his touches and disgusting kisses.

He walked close to her and gripped her hair, she muffled her scream knowing he would try to strangle her if she made noise. She used her eyes to search for any object, but the only thing she saw was a pen which was a few feet from her.

His hand went under the crop top she was wearing and pressed her breast. She closed her eyes and a tear escaped. His hands went into her skirt and pulled on her panties. She tried to hold his hand to stop him, but instead he gripped her hair tighter and told her to stop moving. Her leg finally got hold of the pen and she carefully brought it high enough to hold it.

He slid her panties to the side and was about to put his fingers in her when she stabbed him with the pen on his abdomen. He released her immediately and she tried to run but he grabbed her legs, she fell on her stomach and cried out in pain as he dragged her.

He slapped her cheeks thrice and pushed her on the bed. She kicked and kicked holding her legs tightly together, he slapped her and forced her legs open. She scratched his hands with her nails, which got him more mad and he slapped her inner thighs, making her stay still. The tears were flowing freely and she was losing her strength and fight against him.

He slammed himself into her, she cried out in paid as her hands went down trying to push him away. He pinned her hands above her head, still thrusting into her violently. She gave up fighting, her bones and muscles were too weak to fight again until he finished and walked out of her room as if nothing happened.


"Ajoke!" She heard her name and turned to her mom. "Why are you crying?!" Her mom went close to her and she flinched away.

"It's not as if you care anyways." Ajoke stood up and went to the bathroom. Her mom looked towards the bathroom door and a tear escaped her eye. She stood up and left, it was no use trying to get her to talk, she got being stubborn from Ade.

Ajoke looked at her eyes in the mirror. She knew how many time suicide has crossed her mind but she knew it would only give him the satisfaction of ruining her life. She vowed to become so successful, he'll cower so much when he hears her name.

She washed her face and walked out of the bathroom to hear her phone ringing. She checks the caller id and saw it was Gbola. He has been trying to face time her for sometime now, but she always used one excuse or the other to avoid it.

Somehow, she knows she might have a little liking to him somewhere in her heart, but who knows if he's also a monster like the person she lives with.

She thought of telling Ade about how they've been talking, when he came to apologize for his friend act. She knew he only did that to talk to her, because she wasn't the one he's supposed to apologize to.

She waited for it to cut before she picked her phone up and texted him.

"Sorry, I went to do something." She typed and looked at the text And shook her head, muttering she doesn't have to be sorry.

"I went to do something." She rubbed of the sorry and sent it.

Gbolas phone flashed and he checked it immediately. Seeing her message piqued his interest, though he felt she didn't really like talking to him, maybe a little more push would get her talking with him.

"Oh, it's fine. How are you doing?" He replied. He knew if she decided to ignore him, there's nothing he can do.

"Fine." Another one word answer she always gave him.

"Wanna grab lunch?" Ajoke looked at the message and giggled.

"Are you low key asking for a date?" She didn't know where this new confidence came from.

"If that's what you'll call it. You up?" He replied in seconds.

"Who says no to free food." She sent it before she could compose the message and groaned.

So..... Don't I deserve lots of kisses?😚😚😂😂
One more chapter and if this book doesn't reach 1k before I wake up in 15hrs, I won't update till it reaches 1k😒

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