Chapter 13.

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Ade looked tired and weak. For a pregnant lady to keep on having nightmares of the worst day of her life wasn't a joke. Her mom had gone to work and Ade needed to get to the hospital for her checkup. She was being a baby and she knew that, she just wanted a peaceful sleep, but it wasn't coming.

"Are you ready, we have to leave in ten-" Mr Olaitan stopped, when he saw how Ade looked. She hadn't even taken her bath, talk more of getting dressed.

"I don't want to leave my bed." She sniffed. Rubbing her nose with the back of her hand. Mr Olaitan rubbed his face. If she was acting this way, then what would she do when she finds out Toheeb would be coming along. 

"C'mon, we have to hurry up. It's an appointment." He said dragging her up from her bed.

"Daddy!" Ade whined and stood up. Her dad went out and she changed her clothes into a more comfortable one and wore her flat heel square shaped sandal.

She went downstairs to meet him arranging food for her into a plate that she would eat in the car, since she made them late. He turned around and carried the bag on his shoulders, while Ade just followed him to the car.

"We would be picking up someone on our way." Mr Olaitan said looking over at Ade. She just nodded her head. Though, she was a bit nervous about her appointment, she decided to just play cool.

They got to a cafe and her dad parked the car, he came down walked walked to the cafe. He was anxious of what his daughter might do, probably make a scene. He just did want her to loose it, because what he was doing shouldn't be done by him, especially the fact that his daughters rapist is the person he's helping.

He sighted Toheeb in the corner of the cafe, drinking coffee. He walked over to him to make things snappy, they were already getting late for Ade's appointment.

"Good morning sir." Toheeb greeted immediately he saw Mr Olaitan.

"Good morning, use your hoodie and lets go. We're getting late." He said and turned around. Toheeb did as he was told immediately and followed him. They got to the car and he tried to use make his face not visible, he also noticed that Ade wasn't focused on them. She was busy devouring her food.

She knew someone entered the car, but she didn't stop eating. She became hungry all of a sudden and started eating. She muttered a 'hello' to the person and continued eating.

"What time are we supposed to be in the hospital?" Ade asked drinking from her water bottle.

"9:30am, but I had to reschedule, since you were sleeping. Your mom mentioned something about pregnancy classes, I wasn't really paying attention to her but, she said something like the nurse will ask you to fill a form. You would be going in the evenings after your classes." Mr Olaitan said, using the opportunity to make Toheeb know about her schedule. He had told him that after this one time, he's not helping him again. He knows he has a very stubborn daughter and wouldn't also want to face his wife's wrath.

"All these because I'm pregnant? Honestly, I just want to snap the head of that bastard." Ade said, anger lacing her voice. Toheeb gulped, hearing the venom in her voice.

"Watch your language young lady." Her dad said, fully aware the person she was talking about was hearing them.

Ade then remembered there was someone in the car and turned around, she frowned her face and turned to her dad. Her blood boiling in anger.

"You brought him along to do what exactly?" She asked looking at her dad, who pretended he knew nothing. She fumed in anger and opened the door of the moving car.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! Close the damned door!" Her dad screamed in anger and fear of what his daughter would do and pressed the brakes.

"Close the door!" Toheeb shouted.

"What's the difference, if I jump out of this car this instant and die and the fact I'm in the same car with my rapist, with the help of my dad? Do you even love me? Who knows, maybe you sen him to-" Ade was cut short with the action of her dad. He had raised his hand and almost slapped her for thinking that way. Ade's eyes widen in astonishment. He has never in her 19 years of living raised his hands on her and her sisters.

"Ade, don't make me do what I would regret." Mr Olaitan whispered.

Toheeb came down from the car and opened Ade's door. He tried getting her to come down but she didn't, she kept on looking at her dad, different thoughts racing through her mind. She eventually came down and hailed a cab.


"What took you so long?" She heard Mides voice after she sat down.

"Daddy made Toheeb come with us and I lost it and he almost slapped me, so I took a cab." Ade said as if there was nothing wrong with what she just did. Mide rolled her eyes as she didn't know what to say.

"Let's go in." She said and Ade followed her.

"Hello." The nurse smiled at her and asked her to sit down.

"Hey." She replied and sat on the bed.

"So, how are you feeling and how many weeks gone?" The nurse asked.

"Not too good, still having morning sickness and 8 weeks gone." She answered and sat down.

"Alright then. Could you please lay down and get comfortable?" The nurse smiled at her. She did as told and opened her stomach.

"This would be really cold, but you'll get used to it." The nurse smiled again and Ade did the same. The nurse poured some of it on her stomach and she made a noise of how cold the gel was. The nurse rotated the probe on her stomach and pointed at the ultrasound machine. Ade and Mide stared at the machine and the nurse smiled. Ade began smiling as she heard the heartbeat, she couldn't contain the joy she felt at that moment. Though the baby was produced in the most painful and a way no one wished, she was still happy. But then she started hearing something irregular, she looked at the nurse and the nurse was focused on the screen.

"I think it's two babies... Oh yes it is. You're having twins." The

"You mean, she's having twins?" Mide asked immediately. The nurse looked confused but nodded her head anyways.

"Yes, and with what I'm seeing, there's nothing wrong with you and your babies. You're all healthy." The nurse finished and smiled again. Ade felt numb, she felt her future was crumbling right before her. She wasn't only pregnant with a baby but two. The nurse left her to clean the gel off her body to go print her sonogram, she had demanded for it anyways.

"How do you feel?" Mide asked carefully, knowing her sister.

"Fine, just great." Ade replied, gritting her teeth.

"There's a reason behind all this, everything happens for a reason." Mide tried to reason and assure Ade. Ade nodded her head and they both walked out of the ward. They met her dad and Toheeb, sitting down in the awaiting room in the hallway. Mr Olaitan saw how quiet his daughters were but didn't say anything about it. The nurse came to hand over the sonogram and make her next appointment which was in the next two weeks. She also signed the form for her pregnancy classes.


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