Chapter 40.

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"She brought a lot of things!" Toyo exclaimed, picking up a baby shawl.

"I feel like Toheeb told her about the text I sent. Anyways, how was school?" Ade asked Toyo, while putting the baby shoes together.

They had started arranging the unborn triplets clothes and shoes and other things that was for them. Ade loved most of the0 things, in fact everything Mrs Badmus brought.

"It was fun! A fight happened between two girls. They were fighting over a guy!" Toyo exclaimed and laughed. Ade also laughed. Leave it to Toyo to exaggerate more than what happened.

"What happened?" Ade asked. Her day has been boring until Mrs Badmus came.

"Well, the boy had been playing both girls. Had sex with one and then broke up with her and slept with the other. Someone snitched and they both found out, the fight was really fun to watch. Though, they mostly just dragged eachother's hair. It was still fun. Having you cook for me when I'm back is just fabulous, I don't have to take cereal for lunch coz I'm lazy. And no, I'm not saying I'm happy you're not in school, I'm just saying I'm glad I'll have better food to eat." Ade looked at Toyo and smiled. She understood what her sister was trying to say.

"Mrs Badmus wants me to stay with her during the day as Rahmat isn't always home and Toheeb is back to school. I don't feel comfortable staying with her alone and I also don't feel comfortable saying no. I just told her I'd ask mom and dad when they get back from work." Ade told Toyo, even knowing she'll tell her to go over to Mrs Badmus house.

"Just go, the woman looks like she would need a company. And don't worry, I'm a big girl, I would get something decent to eat when I'm back from school." Toyo teased Ade. Ade scrunched up her face.

"Who told you it's because I feel bad if you don't eat well. If you wish, you could starve yourself, it's your problem. I'm just saying, I won't be comfortable enough to wear just my big hoodies and sometimes Toheebs shirts." Toyo's eyes widened.

"You have his shirts?!" Ade laughed and nodded.

"Like five of them. He gave them to me before he left. Well I asked for it. I don't want the babies to miss him too much." Ade sighed and rubbed her belly.

"Or YOU don't want to miss him too much." Toyo smirked while rasing her brows continuously.

"Shut up!" Blood rushed up to Ades cheeks.

"I knew you had feelings for him!" Toyo exclaimed and jumped on Ades bed. Ade ignored Toyo and went out of the room.


When Mrs Olaitan came back, she came back before her husband, so Ade told her first.

"She said I should stay with her during the day and when I'm ready to come home, she'll send her driver to bring me back. I told her I'd ask you first." Ade followed her mother around the kitchen, who was busy cooking.

"Ade the choice is yours. Don't use me as an excuse to say i opposed what you wanted. You've done that before." Mrs Olaitan turned to ade who abruptly stopped together with her mom.

"Come on, just say yes or no." Ade shook her mother's shoulder. Mrs Olaitan shrugged her off.

"Do what you want. Besides, you're the one always home alone and if shes also home alone, you can both entertain each other." Mrs Olaitan groaned and slapped Ades hand away as she kept playing with her hair.

"So you mean I should go?" Ade asked, raising a brow.

"I didn't say you should go."

"So you mean I shouldn't go?" Mrs Olaitan screamed and pulled on her hair.

"ADE THE CHOICE IS YOURS! STOP PUTTING WORDS IN MY MOUTH." Ade raised her hands up in mock surrender and left the kitchen.

"Momma! I want ice cream. Oh and I forgot, come and check the nursery." Ade went back into the kitchen and dragged her mother's hand. Mrs Olaitan was already frustrated by Ades behavior, but followed her nonetheless.

When they got to the nursery, Ade turned on the light and screamed "TADA".

"Woah, you got all these? I thought I told you not to spend your money. Your dad and I would do the shopping." Mrs Olaitan looked around Mides old room which was converted to the babies nursery.

"I didn't spend my money, in fact, I was home all day long. Mrs Badmus came over and brought all these. You know the mistake I sent to Toheeb, I guess he saw it and told his mom. So yeah, that brings us here." Mrs Olaitan looked at Ade and smiled.

"Did you thank her?"

"Oops, I guess I was in shock and maybe forgot to do that." Ade laughed nervously. Mrs Olaitan shook her head.

They hears noises coming from the sitting room so they closed the door and went downstairs.

Mr Olaitan and Mide had already come back from work but they looked like they were arguing.

"Why didn't you say anything?!" Mr Olaitan thundered.

"I told Ade. I knew you would react this way, that was why I didnt tell you. Also, if I had told mom, she would have definitely told you. I just wanted us to settle it without any of you interfering." Mide rubbed her tears away.

"What is happening?" Mrs Olaitan asked, holding her husband's arm. He looked down at her and rubbed his forehead.

Ade already knew what happened. How her dad found out was what she was trying to understand.

"She and Ola might be getting a divorce." Mr Olaitan stated and Mrs Olaitans face whipped to her husband's place.


"Dad, I didn't mention anything like divorce. Exactly why I didn't tell You!" Mide screamed and slammed the side table on the floor, making it scatter into pieces. The whole room became quiet. Toyo was still confused more than she was in the beginning.

Mides eyes were red with anger, frustration, betrayal and weakness. She sat down on the floor and started crying. Her mom moved towards her but Mide pushed her away. After sometime and she had calmed down, Ade helped her up and took her upstairs to her room, which they now shared.

Mrs Olaitan and Toyo cleared the glasses on the floor.

Hehe, short chapter guys.🙄🙄

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