Shinso Ending part 4

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···5 months later···

Finals were just around the corner and you had to admit you were feeling a fair amount of pressure to do well at them. Even though you were one of the top students in the class, you still felt that it would be best to study as much as possible this week.

As you took your seat at the lunch table next to Shinso, you brought up studying together later, which he gladly accepted.

"I'm so nervous about finals," Mina chimed in. "I really don't want to be towards the bottom again."

"Hey," you heard Kaminari say, "at least you aren't dead last like me."

"Maybe you should take more time studying and less time chasing girls, dumbass," Bakugo snapped at him.

You thought back over the last several months and were actually surprised how civil things were at the lunch table considering everything.

You thought back to the first month after your conversation with Bakugo and how it was very hard and strained. For a while, you and Shinso sat with his classmates at lunch just so that you could avoid the awkwardness between the three of you.

Shinso's friends were very accepting of you being at their table and you were pleasantly surprised because it seems like they actually respected Shinso and considered him a leader in their class. It was vastly different from your elementary years when the kids feared and isolated the two of you.

But he noticed that you were always looking over at your old lunch table with a look of sadness in your eyes.

"You should sit with your friends again, I know you miss them," he said. "Plus, I get you most afternoons now, so go hang with them."

You gave him a look as if you say that you were both scared and nervous.

"Don't make me use my quirk and force you to hang with your friends," he joked to you. At least you think it was a joke. But at the same time you thought about how much you missed hanging out with all of them.

You decided in the end to take his advice and walked over to the table with the first people you had grown close with when you first started at UA.

Mina saw you walking over and instantly jumped out of her seat and ran over to hug you. "Are you coming to sit with us?"

"Yeah," you shyly replied, hung head down slightly, "if that's okay with everyone." You heard the table all chiming in how they wanted you to sit with them, but you really just wanted the approval of one person. You looked up slightly to see Bakugo's reaction to your statement and he just grumbled under his breath, "Fine."

Mina moved her lunch over a spot so that she could make room for you to sit next to her. You pulled up to the table and you were bracing for the worst, but surprisingly it never came. It was the same lunch crew from before. Everyone happily chatting with each other. You even heard Kirishima and Bakugo at the other end of the table talking and so you settled in and relaxed a bit.

As the days went on, things were still a bit awkward between you and Bakugo, but slowly they got less tense and you were able to be okay around each other. You still wanted to also spend your time with Shinso, so you would eat with his friends every few days, but you had to admit that being around your friends just made you feel at home. You wished that you could go back to when Shinso would eat with you guys.

You were sitting at the table one day when Mina asked you about Shinso, "Why doesn't he ever eat with us anymore?" You knew that she understood the entire situation and you felt slightly irritated that she was asking this outloud in front of the group. It definitely put you and everyone else at the table on the spot.

You glanced over at Bakugo for a moment before saying, "I just don't want anyone to feel uncomfortable with him being here."

"No one here cares if he eats over here," Bakugo replied. You almost dropped your drink at this statement. It wasn't exactly an invite, but it seems like this was going to be the best that Bakugo would offer as his way of saying that he was okay with it.

"I guess I'll invite him tomorrow."

Even though that conversation took place several months ago, it also seemed like it wasnt that long ago at the same time. You and Bakugo were on good terms again. He still didn't get along well with Shinso, but the two seemed to have a thread of civility between the two of them. Now the stress of finals overtook most of the tension, since you were all focused on the same goal.

° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °

That afternoon you and Shinso were walking home and you felt a chill in the air. You looked up to the snow falling. It wasn't very much, and melted as soon as it hit any surface. Shinso noticed that you were shivering slightly and took his jacket off to put around you.

"I don't want you to be cold," you looked up at him and said.

"It will just give you a reason to warm me up when we get back to your house," he said back with a crooked smirk across his face. This made you blush that he seemed to notice, so he nudged you slightly and added, "...with some hot tea."

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