Shinso Ending part 2

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···Y/n POV···

You had to spend the next few days in the hospital to make sure everything was okay before being released. You didn't welcome the extra time you had while waiting to get better, since it just reminded you that you had some hard choices ahead of you.

Since school was back in session, both boys were not around to visit you. Instead, your days were spent with your Aunt Hiake playing Uno and it reminded you of what happened all of those years ago.

Shinso did text you to tell you that he has lessons with Aizawa after class and wouldn't be able to visit during visiting hours. But Bakugo still hadn't replied to the message you had sent him.

You decided that you needed to talk to Bakugo and sent another message.

I'm getting released tomorrow. Please message me back.

An hour or so passed before he sent his reply back.

Yeah. I think we need to have a talk. I can meet you at your house tomorrow after school.

Thoughts swirled in your head once again. What did he need to talk about? Did he already know how you were feeling about Shinso?

° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °

The morning you were released from the hospital flew by, but by the afternoon time passed slow as you waited until the blonde would arrive at your house. You jolted as soon as you heard the knock at the door and walked over to let Bakugo in.

His face was very neutral. He didn't have the usual intense look you had grown accustomed to. His expression wasn't the smile of recent weeks either. You both plopped down on the couch and you could feel a certain thickness in the air hovering over you.

"So I'm just gonna come right out and say it," Bakugo said facing you. "I really need to concentrate on being the number one hero and I don't know if this is going to work out."

Where is this coming from? You didn't know what to say outloud, so you just sat there stunned.

"Um....," you mumbled out. You could feel tears forming in your eyes and tried your best to hold them back. "I don't really know what to say."

"Did you ever care? Or was this..?"

"What?" You interrupted him. "Of course I care about you!"

"Look, I do believe that you care about me...," he continued, half mumbling. "But I will always give everything 100% and I expect that from you too. There can't be even a little bit of doubt if you want to be with me."

Would I have doubt?

Would I be able to walk away from Shinso forever and choose Bakugo?

No. I love Shinso. I've always loved him.

Again the words seemed to not come to you and you felt hot tears streaming down your face.

His face crinkled in anguish as he lashed out, "I heard what you said to Zombie Boy at the hospital. Do you love him back?"

You didnt know what to say, the only thing you managed to get out was, "Yes. I do love him. I'm sorry."

You both sat in silence for a minute unable to look at each other. You weren't sure what he was going to do. Was he angry? Would he lash out?

A few moments later, Bakugo placed one arm around your shoulder and gave you a small squeeze before getting up and walking towards the door. "Bye, y/n."

It was the right choice to make, but it didn't hurt any less. You spent the rest of the night crying into your pillow before falling asleep.

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