Bakugo Ending part 3

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···Bakugo POV···

Y/n was sleeping when I got to the hospital in the afternoon. I took her hand and she opened her eyes to look at me.

How did this girl make me want to change so much about myself so that I could be good enough for her? It wasn't until her that I thought I could be the #1 hero AND have someone to share my life with.

···Y/N POV···

"So you are getting out soon?" Bakugo said.

"Yeah," you responded. "I'm looking forward to finally getting out of here."

Bakugo was holding your hand with one hand and fiddling with some random wires that were attached to a machine by your bedside. He seemed nervous about something.

"Y/n," he said, looking into your eyes. His crimson eyes were still intense but had a softness behind them. "I know that I am supposed to give you time to figure out things....but I wanted to tell you that I love you and I want to protect you for the rest of my life."

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