Shinso Part 6

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···Shinso POV···

Walking to school the next day, I kept thinking back to the previous night and what had happened. Y/n took over every single thought that I had, so it wasn't a big surprise when I ran into the back of someone while entering the gates of the school.

"What the fuck, extra!" Bakugo screamed. I could see the veins bulging out of his temples.

Ugh, of all the people. Of course I had run into Bakugo. I was already irritated that I had to share my lunch time with this tool, so anytime I had to have interactions with him outside the presence of y/n, I had little to no patience for the hot headed boy.

"Fuck off," I told him and inched closer. I had several inches on him, and now that I had been working with Aizawa, I had a lot more strength then I did all those months ago during the sports festival.

"Toshi! Katsuki!" I heard a fimiliar voice behind me. "Can you just not?" Y/n was standing there annoyed at what she saw.

Not wanting to make y/n mad, I backed off of Bakugo and turned around her. "Sorry. It won't happen again."

I held her a little tighter than normal, just so I could show Bakugo just who the victor was in the battle for y/n's heart.

The bell rang and we parted ways, going to our respective classrooms. I was sitting down for only a few minutes when I got called up to go to the principal's office.

Great. Just what I needed.

I was even more irritated about Bakugo as I walked up to the office.

Walking in, I saw Principal Nezu and next to him was Aizawa.

"Sit down," the sleep deprived teacher said, motioning towards a chair.

I was about to start explaining the situation from this morning, when the pint sized principal said, "We called you up here today because we wanted to offer you a seat in class 1-A."

I thought back to a couple of months ago when I had participated in a joint training class with class 1-A and 1-B. I thought it had went well, but gave up hope when they didn't say anything after.

"You will be starting today, if you want the seat," Aizawa said to me.

"Being in the hero course will mean more training, but the last several months with Aizawa has definitely prepared me for this moment."

After accepting the position, I followed Aizawa back to the classroom. "Shinso will be joining our class starting today," he announced to the class, and then turned to me to say, "You can take the seat next to Bakugo."

I looked over at y/n who had a look of both excitement and confusion so I smiled at her. I was happy when I saw that my seat was fairly close to her seat.

···Y/n POV···

You wanted to talk to Shinso about joining your class, but Aizawa kept everyone busy all morning and before you realized it, lunch had rolled around.

As soon as the bell rang, you turned to Shinso and said, "Why didn't you tell us that you were going to be joining our class?"

"I didn't know anything about it until they called me into the office this morning."

Mina bounced along side as you walked towards the cafeteria and chimed in, "Now you are officially one of us! Not that we didn't already consider you one of us to begin with," she added, backtracking slightly.

Everyone else was congratulating Shinso, but you noticed that Bakugo had stormed off ahead of everyone else, seemingly in a bad mood.

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