Shinso Part 8

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I didn't see where you went after school. I'm really sorry about what I said earlier.


I went home. I expected it out of someone like Bakugo, but you're my girlfriend. You should have taken my side at lunch.


I was so wrong. About all of it. As soon as I said the words I knew that it wasn't how I really felt. I remember what it was like when no one had any faith in me. I fucked up so bad.


If it were anyone else, I would say that they can't understand what it's like at all. But I know you really do understand. You just really hurt me.


So what can I do? I don't want you to be mad at me.


I think I was just disappointed in you. And I probably still would feel that way now, but after seeing you punch out Bakugo, it actually made me feel a lot better.


So are we okay then?

There was no response for the rest of the night. You woke up at least ten times in the middle of the night hoping that he would say something. But your phone was silent.

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···Shinso POV···

Luckily Aizawa was a very forgiving teacher, otherwise I probably would have gotten suspended. But I was stuck with additional clean up duties for the next week. The worst part is that Bakugo was also stuck with clean up duties for three of the days, so now we were forced to spend our afternoons after school together.

"This is all your fault, Zombie Boy," Bakugo said as he plopped down and kicked his legs up into the desk. "I don't see why I have to do any of this."

"Your arrogance is the cause of all of this. Get over yourself." I walked to the other side of the room and started windexing the windows. I wanted to get out of here as soon as possible and figure out what to do about y/n. I wanted things to be okay with us, but I wouldn't be able to really know until I talked with her in private.

"It's not my fault that I'm better than you at everything," the blonde shot back.

"Not everything," I muttered under my breath, half hoping that he would hear it.

"What the fuck does that mean?" He yelled, jumping up from his lounged position.

How the fuck did he hear that? One would think that someone that is around explosions all day would have bad hearing.

"Just ask y/n," I said, focusing on the work and not even bothering to turn around to address him properly. I half expected him to come after me for the remark, but I heard desks being pushed and turned around just in time to see him storm out of the door.

···Y/n POV···

A few hours after school, you were watching a movie with your Aunt Hiake when you heard a knock at the door.

"I'm not expecting anyone," the raven haired beauty said, not making any effort to get up off of the couch.

You hoisted yourself off of the couch and trudged over to the front of the house. You opened the door and saw Shinso standing there. He looked tired, and you knew that it must have been a long day for him with extra duties added on.

"Hey," you said, trying to gauge the mood. You had apologized, but he never responded to your last text and was quiet at lunch.

"Hey," he said back, "Do you have a minute?"

"Yeah, come in."

"I have to get back home soon, so I don't really have time to come in. But I didn't want to leave things they way they were."

You took a step out and closed the door behind you. You felt a tightness in your chest. "Why doesn't he want to come in? Is he wanting to break up?" You thought to yourself. You stood there silently, afraid that if you tried to speak that you would also start crying.

A minute passed, but it felt like an eternity, before the indigo haired boy finally broke the silence while still looking at the floor, "I don't want to be upset with you. But it's hard because I thought you were the one person that would never think of me that way." His purple eyes came up to meet your gaze as he continued on, "...the years that you were gone were hard. But I got through them because I always thought there was at least one person in this world that really understood me. I've been thinking about that a lot since last night."

"You don't know how many times I thought about you over the years too. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be who I am today. I would probably be bitter at the world," you responded, trying to hold back the tears you could feel forming behind your eyes. "Sometimes I wish there weren't even quirks at all. But then I think about it and realize that if that were the case then all those years would have been so different. Everyone would have seen what an amazing person you are and I wouldn't have gotten you all to myself. It's selfish, but I'm glad in so many ways that you had that misunderstood quirk."

"You're making it very hard to be mad at you when you say things like that," he said, his face softening slightly.

After looking into his eyes you wanted to lean in to kiss him, but you still weren't sure if things were okay. "So what can I-" As soon as you uttered the words, you felt his lips crash into yours. It was more firm and urgent that his normal kisses, as if he was making up for lost time even though it had only been a day. His hand reached behind you and pulled you in even tighter as his tongue explored your mouth and danced with your tongue.

You wanted more, but he pulled away and said, "I'm sorry, I really do have to get home and finish my homework. Aizawa also gave me an essay due tomorrow."

"Maybe I can help you since it's my fault this whole thing started."

"Oh, don't worry about that. It was what Bakugo said that caused this whole thing. Plus I'm not letting you off just yet. You'll have to show me later how sorry you really are," Shinso said with a smirk. He was still looking back at you as he walked away and you couldn't help but to have thoughts of what he intended by his statement.

As you walked into the house, your Aunt Hiake gave you an odd look. That's when you realized that she must have seen you kissing Shinso and you felt your ears redden from embarassment. 
"Don't worry y/n, I remember being a teen. Plus these walls are thin. Do you think this is the first time I've heard you?"

Does that mean.....?

Realizing what she was implying, you felt your whole face flush as you ran off to your room, too embarrassed to face her. 

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