🍋 Bakugo Part 5 🍋

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Following him back to his room you plopped down next to him on his bed. You leaned into him and cheekily said, "We don't have to start the assignment right away." You gave him a kiss, which he happily returned, tongues circling each other.

He ran his hands through your hair and pulled you in with an urgency that you both could feel. As you came up for air, you shifted and pulled him in closer by his waist. He winced and jumped back. You looked down and realized that the area you touched was the same place that you landed your Quickfire blow on him earlier.

"Didn't you get your wound looked at by Recovery Girl?" you questioned as you pulled up his shirt slightly to reveal a burn.

"I wanted to make sure you were alright first," he said, pulling back as you touched the wound.

"Ugh," you moaned. "You need to take care of yourself too! Do you have some stuff around here so I can treat your burn?"

You followed the blonde as he grabbed a few things from random places in the house and went back to his room with a handful of supplies.

"Take your shirt off," you said.

He took off his shirt, exposing his upper torso. You had seen him a few times without his shirt, but the sight always excited you.

Trying your best to focus on the task at hand, you slowly started cleaning the burn and then dressing it. You carefully pressed the tape and bandage onto him, making sure to cover all of the exposed skin.

After the wound was dressed, you traced your finger along the lines of his side where the muscles met.

"You keeping doing that and I'm not going to be able to control myself, y/n," Bakugo growled lowly.

Knowing exactly what you were doing, you continued to let your finger wander around to the front of his chest and you looked up at him with an innocent look on your face. "I don't know what you are talking about." You said with both sugar and spice in your voice.

"You asked for it."

"Oh, did I?" you said, biting your lower lip and playing coy.

He let out a growl as he pressed you back on the bed. His lips crashed into yours and you were soon allowing your hands to explore along his sides, being careful not to hurt his wounded side.

"This isn't really fair," he said, "you get a free show and get to see me, but you are playing shy."

"Am I now?" you questioned cheekily. You pulled your shirt over your head, exposing your red bra which visibly excited Bakugo, his lust-filled eyes pouring all over your exposed skin and your face as he slowly traced his tongue across his lips.

You reached your arms up and pulled Bakugo in by the neck so that your tongues were once again entwined with each other. He tongued over your bottom lip and then lightly bit it as he pulled away slightly.

His hands were clawing at your hair as you kissed and you could feel them as they slowly made their way down your neck and shoulders, eventually pulling your bra strap down in the process. With your neck and collarbone completely exposed, he traced lightly with his fingers, admiring every inch.

Reaching your hands down, you grabbed his ass through his pants and when you pulled him closer you felt a large bulge pressing into you. He let out a grunt and ground into you, exciting the both of you more.

"I want you so bad right now," Bakugo growled into your ear softly and then licked it.

"Then have me," you said back.

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