🔥 Flame 🔥

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···Y/n POV···

After many days in the hospital reliving the previous days events, you thought about school and how you actually missed it. Even the constant jeering from the kids would serve as a distraction from the waking nightmare that was before you now. You really missed Shinso. If I could just talk to him, maybe things would be okay...

"When will I be able to go back to school?" you asked your aunt when you two were playing Uno.

"I wanted to talk to you about that, y/n," she looked up at you and gently set the cards down on the table. "With your parents gone, you will be coming to live with me."

She seemed to let that statement settle on you for a moment before continuing. "I know that it will be a lot to adjust to, but you're a strong girl, and I promise that we will get through this together."

"Will I have to move in with you then?"

"That's another thing I wanted to talk to you about," she looked carefully at you with her icy blue eyes. "As you know, I got a job offer in America last month, so we will need to move there after your stay here at the hospital."

You burst out into tears. Sure you hated most of those kids. They made sure to never include you in anything. You didn't get the birthday invites that other people in your class got. You didn't get to play with the group of girls who always laughed at you on the playground. But you still didn't want to be torn away from all of that. You didn't want to leave your house and the memories that were held within its walls. And you especially didn't want to be torn away from Shinso, your best and only friend. Hitoshi.

Your mind swelled with so many different emotions. So many questions. Again, tears stained your cheeks, and you started not feeling well and you just wanted to go back to how things were before. You couldn't take anymore and just wanted to run, run away from the pain and heartache that you felt.

"I... I don't want to move to America!" you managed to choke the words out through your tears.

You knew you had no choice though. You were trying to gather your thoughts, trying to be the strong person you know your parents would want you to be. Then a small flash of light caught your attention and you looked down to see what it was.

In your palm was the smallest little flicker of a fire.

Almost abruptly, your tears stopped and you stared back and forth from your hand to your aunt who was sitting across from you, also staring into your hand.

"W-what's going on?" you looked at her.

"Hold on y/n," your aunt replied as she stood up. "I'll go get the doctor."

She was gone from what seemed like forever but was probably closer to five minutes. The little flame was no longer in your hand and you started to think that maybe it had all been in your head. You kept looking at your palm, almost wishing the flame would come back, but it didn't.

Your aunt came back into the room, the doctor following close behind her. He came over to you and asked what had happened. As you and your aunt explained what you both had witnessed, he just nodded his head up and down lightly.

"It's fairly rare," he started. "But sometimes when we give bone marrow transplants, the donors have noticed new quirks. Bone marrow does change your DNA and even though the DNA change is usually temporary, the quirk still remains, as if it gets imprinted onto your original DNA."

A/n: This is actually based on facts. Your DNA changes temporarily when you have a bone marrow transplant. Sometimes you will permanently have a new blood type. A female can even temporarily turn into a male and vice versa.

"So she will have this new quirk from now on?" Aunt Hiake questioned.

"Yes," the doctor explained, "she will now have her original quirk, plus the new quirk she acquired through her father."

You looked back and forth from your aunt to the doctor as he continued to explain things to you, eventually adding, "you are very fortunate that your aunt and her brother shared similar quirks. She can show you how to wield and grow this newfound quirk."

By the end of the conversation you were exhausted and just wanted to rest some more. But you were also extremely excited by this new information.

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