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The following week at lunch you were sitting in your usual group and saw Mina walking over dragging Shinso along with her. They sat down next to Todoroki who was across from you, Mina tugging on Shinso's sleeve to signal for him to sit down on the bench next to her. She leaned into him slightly and he sat there with a very neutral expression so you couldn't tell if he was appreciating the contact or not. 

···Shinso POV···

I looked across at y/n who was sitting next to that damn Bakugo kid. I still was hurt by her not telling me about her quirk, and I cringed thinking that she had some sort of intimate moment with someone other than me. But at the same time I just wanted to talk to her. 

Why did I fuck everything up and kiss Mina instead of y/n? 

Bakugo noticed me staring at y/n and his eyes shot daggers in my direction. I could take him down. Test me.

I looked back over to y/n, not caring if it pissed off Bakugo. Maybe I overreacted and should apologize to her.

···Y/N POV···

There was definitely some tension in the air at lunch and you just wanted to hide under the table away from the glaring eyes that were coming from multiple directions. You just wanted to clear the air with Shinso and go back to how things were just a few days ago. He's probably still mad. I should give him time.

"So Shinso," Kirishima said, glancing down the table at the purple haired boy, "How exactly does your quirk work?"

"I could just show you," Shinso responded. Several jumped up to volunteer. He took turns temporarily controlling everyone who was curious. Each one freaking out at the complete lack of control they had over their own body.

"Bet you couldn't control me, Zombie Boy," Bakugo scowled from across the table. 

"Bet," Shinso snarked back, then added flatly, "but if you guys just want someone to control you, then why don't you just ask y/n to control you with her quirk?"

The entire table turned to face you with puzzled looks on their faces. 

You panicked and started stammering, "Uh...um" You realized that you probably needed to explain yourself, but you were not really sure where to even start.  

"Well, I was actually born with a different quirk…." 

You weren't sure what would happen after you explained everything. Would they treat you how the kids in elementary school treated you? Were they going to be mad at you for hiding it ? But to your surprise everyone was actually extremely supportive.

"So you basically have two powerful quirks?" Kaminari questioned, then added, "That's actually so cool." 

"Wait, so have you ever used it on any of us?" Kirishima said. Before you could answer the bell rang and you had to head back to class.

° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °

After school, you walked out of class and saw most of the squad standing and waiting for you to come out. They were all curious to know more about this new information, so you made arrangements to go to the coffee place down the street. 

You got a table for 6 and sat down with Bakugo, Mina, Kirishima, Todoroki, and Kaminari off in the corner. They all were sipping their drinks while asking various questions. And then Kaminari said, "You never told us if you had used your quirk on any of us."

You looked down, freaking out a bit because you could only think of one time you had used it and it was extremely embarrassing to say in front of everyone.

"Don't be shy."

"Okay. Well don't get mad…," you started and you explained how you told Kirishima to dare Bakugo to kiss you during the truth or dare game on the beach.

"Uh…," Kirishima said, placing his hand behind his head and scratching slightly, "It's funny that you bring that time up. Because I remember that night pretty well. I, uh…well, I kind of DID have a thought pop into my head. But….it was for Bakugo to kiss ME."

Everyone was stunned, and he quickly added on, "But obviously that wasn't something anyone would want to happen. So I just changed it to you since you were sitting next to him." 

You thought to yourself, "Well this is awkward." This isn't the first time you messed up the pronouns and had the wrong thing happen. I have to be more careful when I use pronouns and my quirk. You giggled internally thinking about what would have happened if he actually had said the original dare outloud. 

"That is SO random," Mina practically yelled, breaking the silence. 

"Wait," Kirishima added, "when you used your quirk on me at the beach, it didn't feel anything like when Shinso used his quirk on me."

You explained a little more about your quirk, how it's not quite a sure thing. "It's more like a very strong impulse. Like you have a mosquito bite that really itches. You can ignore it if you want to, but sometimes you want to just give in and scratch."

Eventually they lost interest in talking about your quirk and soon you found yourself playing chopsticks with Mina while the boys talked about some creepy thing Mineta did in class earlier that day.

One by one, everyone filed out over the next 30 minutes until it was just you and Bakugo left sitting at the table. He looked at you with a cocky smirk on his face.   

"What?" you stated

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"What?" you stated.

"Well all I heard from that convo is that you wanted me to kiss you." 

While technically this was true, you did want him to kiss you, it wasn't quite the full story. But you weren't going to tell him that it was partly to get back at Shinso for kissing Mina. So you lightly jabbed him in his side with your elbow.

The more you thought about it, the more you realized that it started out that way, but you found yourself wanting to kiss the blonde boy again.

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