Bakugo part 6

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You felt a little groggy when you got up. You slept a little too long for a refreshing nap, but not long enough for a full nights rest.

"Shit," you said. "We never ended up doing the homework assignment."

"Awww, that's too bad...guess you are just going to have to stay longer," the ash blonde boy grinned and grabbed you by the waist and pulling you in.

···1 week later···

"We are going to be doing a joint training excercise with class 1-B," Aizawa announced at the beginning of class. "Go change into winter hero costumes and meet in the practice area."

You were excited to finally wear your new costume that you and Aunt Hiake came up with. You wanted to keep a lot of the same design elements that reminded you of your parents, but you came up with a way to also incorporate some stuff from your Aunt Hiake's hero costume.

Your costume was now a turtle neck style unitard instead of a tank style leo and had half sleeves that came just above where your titanium gaunlets were. It still had the vibrant red of your father's costume and the same simple purple embellishments from your mom. You decided to add the lace up elements from your Aunt Hiake's costume. It still allowed for exposure to the air for cooling, but covered more of your body to keep you warm when you weren't using your quirk.

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This is my own art, so please dont steal it without permission.

After changing, you went into the training area and you noticed Shinso standing near Aizawa. You were wondering why he was there, but soon found out that he would be taking part of the training to try out for a position in the hero course. He would be participating in one battle for both 1-A and 1-B.

"Hey, Red Hot," said Bakugo as he lightly slapped your ass and then whispered into your ear,"You'll have to let me take this off you later."

You could feel the heat in your face, partly from the comment that Bakugo made, and partly because you were thinking about how good he looked in his winter costume. You snapped out of it just in time to hear the group assignments and smiled at Bakugo before joining your group.

They announced the first battle and you were assigned to take part with Tsu, Kaminari, Kirishima. You were glad that you and Shinso were on good terms, since he was added to your group as well.

A/N: Pretend Koji didn't take part in this battle.

Also the student in class 1-B that you are against are:

Shiozaki - Vine haired girl

Tsubaraba - Solid air quirk that can trap people in bubbles of solid air

Shishida - Transforms in Beast mode

Rin - Scales that can form armor or be shot as projectiles

"I'm so excited that you are being given this opportunity," you said to Shinso, giving him a friendly hug, "you deserve to be in the hero course and I know after they see you, they will have no choice but to accept you into the program."

You were busy chatting with Hitoshi, so you were caught off guard when they announced the start of the battle. Realizing that you didn't form a plan, your group panicked and tried to come up with something quickly on how to get the other team into the jail cells, but everyone had different ideas.

Tsu and Kaminari were disagreeing on if everyone should split up or stay together, when you heard Shinso say, "We should probably take care of people with troublesome quirks first so that I can brainwash them." The group agreed and decided that taking out Shiozaki with her Vine quirk would be the best person to target.

You headed over so that you could nuetrilize Shiozaki, but no sooner had to started running over in her direction when you saw Shishida in his beast form throw both Tsu and Kaminari into some nearby pipes. You were so caught so offguard by the ambush that you weren't paying attention and were suddenly trapped in solid air, the quirk of Tsubaraba.

"I can't believe I was so stupid," you thought to yourself, feeling embarassed by your lack of observation.

You were looking right at Shishida when you heard his voice coming from the other direction calling out to Tsubaraba. Looking over you saw that the voice was coming from Shinso. "His mask must be able to mimic people's voices so that he can use his Brainwash quirk on people that know not to talk to him," you thought. Then it hit you, none of them know about your Control quirk, maybe you would be able to use it to your advantage.

You were looking around to see the best way to handle this. Shinso had Shishida pinned in his scarf so for now, so he was good. You didn't see Shiozaki at the moment, so she's out. Maybe you could use it on Tsubaraba to free yourself from the solid air bubble he formed? "Release everyone," you thought repeatedly and hoped that it would work.

You were released from your bubble prison, but Tsubaraba seemed to snap out of your quirk quickly without having any further commands from you and went to free his beastly ally from Shino's scarf. Trapping Shinso in solid air Tsubaraba managed to free his beastly friend and hopped on him and took off towards Kaminari. Kaminari sent out his voltage to the pair and knocked Tsubaraba off just as you sent your flames in his direction, trapping him in a wall of fire away from his allies. Tsu took advantage of the situation and threw Tsubaraba into the jail cell.

You look at Shishida who did not seem to be phased by Kaminari's electric volts and sent a message to have him go into the jail cell. He followed orders, but you were forced to concentrate constantly the whole time, taking you out of the battle temporarily.

Knowing that the team is now down to half, Shinso goes in search of Shiozaki and used his voice changer to mimic Shishida's voice, tricking her into responding back. He used his quirk to have her walk towards the jail cell when you saw Rin come out and start shooting his scales in Shinso's direction. Tsu noticed and latched her tongue onto the boy and threw him into the remaining jail cell causing the end of the round.

Completely wiped out, your group goes to have evaluations done with Aizawa and you discuss the ways you could have improved your performance.

You see Bakugo across the way getting ready for his match that will be coming up and sit down next to Shinso.

"I was complete ass during that excercise," you said, feeling a little down for being caught in so many compromising positions throught the battle. "You were definitely the V.I.P. of our team, Shinso."

"Thanks, but I think you are being too hard on yourself," Shinso responded.

"I know you will be in the hero course for sure," you said, linking your arm around his. "You really deserve it."

Shinso smiled at you and you felt him stare at you for just a tad too long. Even with the smile on his face, you could still see the sadness behind his eyes.

You heard a yell from across the way and see Bakugo scowling in your direction. Realizing he was pissed, you unlatched yourself from Shinso's arm and looked at the purple haired boy with concern and then back to Bakugo who was clearly agitated.

This isn't good. I really was just trying to show support for my friend, but I can see how that can be construed in the wrong way. I will talk to him after he is done.

Feeling on edge, you watched Bakugo's battle. Of course his team managed to take down the members of class 1-B in less than 5 minutes. You hopped up when the battle was done and walked over to him to congratulate him, but he turned and walked the other direction as soon as he saw you coming.

Not sure what else to do, you walked back and sat next to Shinso. You watched Bakugo from across the way and that when you saw a black haired girl plop down next to him and she seemed to be talking to him about something.

Control | Bakugo x Female Reader x ShinsoWhere stories live. Discover now