💜 Awkward 💥

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It was hard to focus at school the next day. The morning drug on and all you wanted to do is go to lunch. But the more you thought about it, the more you freaked out. Who would you sit with today? Should you sit with Shinso to catch up more? Or sit by Bakugo like usual and see if that could go anywhere?

The lunch bell rang and Mina grabbed your wrist and drug you into the cafeteria. In some ways you were grateful that she was in control because now you didn't have to make a choice, but you didn't know what that meant for the situation you were in.

Mina sat across from you, next to Todoroki, and stole a few of your tater tots and popped them in her mouth. "Hey those are my potato toddlers!" You exclaimed. And you both looked at each other cracking up.

Bakugo took his seat next to you like he usually did, and he brushed against you lightly as he sat down and it sent shivers up your spine. It made you think back to the first time he sat next to you all those weeks ago. Then you heard a voice behind you say, "Is this seat taken?" You turned around to see Shinso standing there, lunch tray in hand, and before you could even answer Mina excitedly said, "Sit!!" A giant grin plastered across her face. You scooted over slightly trying to make room for Shinso, pushing yourself more into Bakugo in the process. With the extra person at the table, you were now sitting very close to both boys and felt every movement that they made.

You could almost feel tension at the table. Or maybe that was all in your head as your nerves went into overdrive, not sure of what a new person at the table would do to the dynamic. But you relaxed as you looked around. Kaminari and Mina were playfully bantering with each other and Kirishima was saying something to Bakugo about being manly but you weren't really paying attention so you weren't sure what he was referring to.

Shinso quietly said, "Hey y/n, would you want to hang out tomorrow?" Mina perked up to this question and awaited your answer. "Yeah, sure," you replied, not wanting to sound too enthusiastic but not wanting to sound bored by the idea either.

Mina jumped up and slammed her hands on the table in excitement and said, "I have a great idea. We should all hang out together and go to the beach tomorrow!"

The boys at the table sounded excited about this idea and asked a few more of the other students from 1-A to come along with. Soon half of the class started talking about all of the things they wanted to do tomorrow and started making plans for where everyone would meet up.

"You're coming too, right Shinso?" Mina said, winking at you. And you heard him quietly respond, "Sure" in his husky voice. You werent sure, but you thought Shinso looked a little disappointed that he was not going to be able to spend the day alone with you.

Bakugo shot a look at Shinso as if he wanted to say that he should not be included in the adventure. But when you looked at Bakugo he looked down at you with his red eyes and surprisingly decided not to say anything.

Well that's a first. You never thought you would see Bakugo stop himself from screaming at someone.

The bell rang and the whole table sprung up grabbing trash and rushing back to class. You quickly said goodbye to Shinso and ran up to catch up with everyone. They talked about the beach the entire way back to class.

Control | Bakugo x Female Reader x ShinsoWhere stories live. Discover now