🍋Bakugo side story 1🍋

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"So what do you think?" Bakugo said, turning his attention towards you and pulling you close to him.

"I mean the view is amazing. You can see the whole city from here," you said, looking around the penthouse condo. The entire external part of the penthouse was covered in floor to ceiling windows which allowed a lot of light into the area. The floor plan was more open and had almost a lofty vibe to it aside from the kitchen which was very sleek and had clean lines.

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Something similar to these, but without the furniture

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Something similar to these, but without the furniture.

"Want to see the bedroom?" The blonde boy said, dragging you by your arm into the next room.

"Of course you want to see the bedroom," you said, rolling your eyes and nudging his side lightly.

"And this is where our bed will go."

You walked over to where he was standing and gave him a kiss, wrapping your arms around his broad shoulders. "We might get some use out of it," you teased.

Bakugo attacked your neck with his tongue as you were talking before saying, "I don't know if we will see much of any other part of our place."

"Come on, I'll show you the bathroom."

You followed as he walked through a doorway directly attached to the bedroom to reveal the nicest bathroom you had ever seen. There was a stand alone Jacuzzi tub big enough to fit several people as you entered the room.
Off to your side was a massive glass encased shower with multiple showerheads pointing from every direction.

I think we are going to spend a decent amount of time in here too.

"This is too nice, can we even afford this?" you questioned.

"I've been saving up all of my hero wages for the last 5 years so I have enough for this and for you to furnish it however you like," Bakugo said.

It's true. He had been busy the last several years. After many of the previous top heros retired, it was up to the new generation to protect the people. Bakugo was always in high demand because he was so proficient at his job and was one of the few people from your class that had gone on to form his own agency. It meant for long nights at times, but you always found time for each other.

You, on the other hand, had been working under another top hero for a few years, but the area you patrolled was usually fairly quiet, so you didn't get the high paychecks that some of the other heroes recieved. Not that you minded. You loved that Bakugo got to be in the action just like he wanted, and you had enough free time to hang with your girls whenever you wanted without cutting into your time with your man. Plus it wasn't like your pay was bad, especially for a job with minimal hours each week.

"You dont want to pick some furniture out together?" you said, "it could be fun."

"We can pick the bed together." He said, coming closer to you and grabbing your ass and he pulled you in closer.

"Such a one track mind," you said teasingly, bopping him lightly on the nose.

You followed Bakugo around the condo as he showed off a few more rooms, before returning to the open room where you started.

"I think the cooking classes that I've been taking will come in handy," you said while running your fingers along the counter in the kitchen.

You stopped at the large kitchen island and looked out at the view again. The sun was now setting and you could see a mix of pinks and purples take over the blue in the sky. "It's beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you," the blonde said, encircling you in his arms and pull himself close to you. You felt a recognizable firmness pressing up against your backside.

"Is the sunset turning you on?" you directed towards him.

"You know that it's you turning me on," he said, while sucking on the crook of your neck.

You turned around and kissed him while running your fingers through his hair and pulling him closer.

He hoisted you up and sat you on the counter as he continued to make out with you, spreading your legs in the process.

"Want to break the house in?" he said, looking at you with lust filled eyes.

"Mhmm," you hummed into his ear as he started to remove your shirt and bra, taking your breasts into his mouth. You looked down and saw that somehow his pants were already in the same pile as your clothes.

You felt yourself get extremely moist between your legs and lifted your butt for a second to remove your pants and underwear which excited Bakugo. His hand dove down towards your opening as he pludged two fingers into you and started thrusting in and out.

"Take off your shirt, I want to see you," you command him.

Throwing his shirt and underwear aside, he pressed his cock up against your pubic bone, grinding into you.

"I want to be in you so bad."

"Then put it in," you directed.

"I don't have a condom on me. Do you have one?"

"We are getting married next week anyways, just put it in me already."

Bakugo's scarlet eyes shot up into yours for a moment before saying, "You sure you want to do that?"

"If you want to. I'd be okay if it happened. What about you?"

"I mean, you already know I want kids with you, y/n. I just didn't want to pressure you."

"I want to start a family with you," you said kissing him. "Besides, I doubt we would get pregnant the first time without a condom anyways."

You inched forward until you were at the very edge of the counter and watched as he pressed the tip against you before his shaft glided into you. Bakugo grunted loudly into your ear, "Fuck, it feels so warm."

Slowly he started thrusting in and out as you held onto his shoulders trying to keep yourself as close as possible to him. He grabbed your ass to leverage himself to pound deeper into you as he started to pick up speed. You felt your head fall back as a few moans escaped your mouth as he burrowed deeper inside you with each thrust. You felt yourself getting closer to orgasm so you looked up into his eyes which sent you the mesaage that he too was close. As you unraveled, he rammed into you harder and harder until he thrust one last time and buried himself deep within you and he released his load. You could feel his warm juices filling you from his twitching member and then oozing out of you as he pulled out.

"That was so fucking good," he said, laying his in the crook of your neck and breathing heavy.

"I love you, Katsuki"

"Not as much as I love you, y/n," he said giving you a small peck. "Well that's one room down. Want to break in the rest?"

You pushed him away saying, "Since when do you break in a house?"

"Well, Red Hot, in case you haven't noticed, I kinda have fallen for you. And need to make sure our home feels like it's ours."

"I think its going to be a long night, Explosion Boy."

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