Shinso Part 7

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···Shinso POV···

"You're still an extra," I heard Bakugo say and he threw his lunch on the table.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me," the blonde snapped at me, "if you were actually good enough to get into class 1-A, you would have gotten in the first time."

It's not like I havent thought of it before. But the entrance exam was against robots, which I was completely useless against.

"Whats your problem?" I questioned him. It seems like Bakugo was sort of okay with things the last few months, why the sudden change. He even stopped trying to pick fights at lunch, at least until today.

"The rest of us have quirks that can actually be used to help people. You won't ever catch up to people like me."

"Hey Bakugo, not everyone can have ultra powerful quirks," I heard y/n say. "There's a lot of support heroes too."

Wait. Is this how y/n thinks of me?

"Tch, like he could even be a support hero," the blonde said.

···Y/n POV···

As soon as you said the words, you wanted to take them back. But you could tell by the look on Shinso's face, that they already had done their damage.

He stayed silent the rest of the lunch period and on the way back to class.

You wanted to talk to Shinso, but as soon as you entered the class you heard Aizawa announce, "We are working on our quirks again, so go ahead and get your hero costumes on."

Maybe I can pair up with Shinso so that I can talk to him and straighten things out.

° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °

"Everyone can go ahead and get paired up," the lidded-eyed teacher said and then turned to the purple haired boy and said, "Shinso, you are gonna train with me, since everyone already knows how to avoid your quirk. We will work on some other skills."

Well there goes that idea.

You looked around and saw half the class had already paired off. You started to walk to Mina to pair up with her, but Uraraka walked up a second before and they walked off to train in a different area. You saw Mineta looking in your direction, but looked off into the crowd to see if there was anyone else. Ugh. Please anyone else.

"Hey, want to go for another rematch?" a gravely voice said behind you. You knew who it was before you even turned around.

"Let's do it," you said to Bakugo, glad to not have to pair up with the purple pervert.

Bakugo was still a force to be reckoned with, but you had been working hard for months and could now keep up with him. Thirty minutes later, you were completely exhausted, but still trying to push through, refusing to give up. It was just for a split second, but you glanced over at Shinso, who was watching your fight intently. He looked mildly irritated, but it was still hard to tell exactly what he was thinking. "Hey, Bakugo," you heard him say.

"Fuck off," Bakugo said.

A second later, your fist contacted the side of Bakugo's face hard and he flew back onto the floor. You were rushing up, readying yourself to hit him again, but then you noticed that he was out cold.

You looked back over at Shinso and he had a smirk on his face.

° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °

Bakugo wasn't out for very long, but when he did gain consciousness, he was pissed.

"You okay?" you said, hovering over him. He looked up at you for a split second before he jumped up and ran over to Shinso. He was about to set off a blast when you saw Aizawa's scarf shoot out and restrain him before he got a hit off.

"Back down, Bakugo," Aizawa said.

"Why the fuck should I have to back down when he's the one that caused all of this and used his fucking quirk on me?"

"Weren't you the one that was saying that my quirk wasn't even good enough to be a support hero?" Shinso yelled back and then shot a look at you as well.

Hurt, you stormed off towards the locker rooms, not wanting him to see you cry. You could still hear the shouting between the two boys when the doors opened and the rest of the girls filed in. "You okay?" Mina said to you as she came in.

"Its all my fault," you said, still in tears.

"Girl, don't be upset. Those boys were never going to get along. They only put up with each other for that long because neither of them wanted to hurt you," the pink girl said, wiping a tear off your cheek.

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