Shinso Ending part 3

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When you woke up the next morning you were dreading going to school. Somehow your feet guided you to the entrance despite your daze.

There was an uncomfortable aura in class 1-A. Bakugo was suprisingly quiet in class, not just towards you but others in the class as well. You were actually relieved when Bakugo snapped at Deku later in the morning, breaking the silence. But you didn't really know where you stood with him.

A wave of panic came over you when you heard the bell ring for lunch hour. You quickly walked over to the restroom and went into the stall and tried your best to not burst into tears again. When you finally were able to gather yourself the bell rang again, signaling the end of lunch. Probably for the best anyways. What would I have said?

You were partway through your science lesson that afternoon when you thought about Shinso and it dawned on your that you weren't just avoiding Bakugo, but Shinso as well. You quietly reached into your bag and pulled out your phone and sent a text to him.

Can we meet after school?


You met Shinso by the lockers after the last bell and asked if he could walk you home.

"So how are you feeling?" The indigo haired boy asked.

You weren't sure if he was talking physically or if he was observant and could sense you were down about what happened with Bakugo. You chose you address just the former. "My headache isn't as bad today."

You walked in silence for a few minutes when Hitoshi broke the silence, "Why weren't you at lunch today?"

"I'm sorry, I felt awkward being around Bakugo."

His eyebrow raised slightly, "How come?"

"We decided that it wasnt going to work out between us."

A very small smile crept across his face, "Why not?"

"Because he heard the conversation at the hospital and..." You stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, looking up at him. "And..... I realized that I love you."

No sooner had you uttered the words when you felt his lips crashing into yours. You felt your knees go weak and Shinso grabbed you tighter to prevent you from collapsing. You pulled away slightly to take a breath and he opened his purple eyes and looked into your eyes and said, "I love you too."

Control | Bakugo x Female Reader x ShinsoWhere stories live. Discover now