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You woke suddenly as you felt yourself being thrashed around wildly. You were trying to figure out what was going on, but everything seemed to be happening all at once. Your vision was still trying to come into focus and it was hard to hear anything over the ringing in your ears. But then you started to realize that the car and all of its contents were spinning around as you felt yourself go upside down.

As things settled you looked around and saw your mom in the passenger seat upside down and still buckled up with a gash along her forehead. The blood was dripping down through her hair and into a crimson puddle on the roof of the car which was now below you.

Panicking, you started to cry and noticed that you had a large piece of metal sticking out of your left thigh. You knew things were bad. You needed someone to tell you things were okay. You tried to look over at your dad, but it was impossible to see him since you were directly in the seat behind him. Just for a second, you thought of Shinso's face. Please tell me I'm going to be okay.

Moments later you could hear sirens from afar coming closer rapidly. You tried to look out of the window to see the ambulance approaching, but you could only see a light snowfall slightly sticking on the window. And then nothing. No sounds, nothing to see.

° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °

You woke up again, this time to blinding lights and white walls. You shivered slightly at how cold it was and looked down and saw various wires and tubes twisted all over on your small frame. "I must be in a hospital," you thought. "I wonder how long it has been."

A nurse was walking by your room and noticed that you were awake and came in to check on you as she called a doctor over. She started pushing random buttons on the monitor next to you and rattled off random numbers to the doctor. You didn't understand anything that was going on and just wanted your mom. That's when a flashback of your mom popped into your head and you could feel a panic and tightness in your chest as you felt tears well up in your eyes. Was she okay?

You were trying to ask about your mom, but you were only able to weakly choke out, "Mom..."

The nurse looked down at you and rested her hand on your arm lightly and had a very sad look in her eyes. She said nothing. You knew. No. No, anything but that. No. This can't be happening!

You wanted nothing more than for your mom to be by your side. But you knew, even without her saying a word that she was no longer going to be there for you. You were just about to ask about your dad, when your Aunt Hiake barged into the room and ran over to the opposite side of the bed from where the nurse and doctor were standing.

"Oh sweetie..."

Her eyes were puffy like she had been crying.

You managed to choke out, "Is my mom okay?" Where is my dad?"

"He is in surgery right now," she said in an unsteady voice, "but you need to concentrate on you right now, you are not out of the woods either. I'm right here though. Just squeeze my hand. We will talk about your mom later."

Your aunt and the doctor started talking quietly. It was hard to understand everything they were saying over your sobs but you heard the doctor talking about how you had lost a lot of blood and the units they gave you were not working. You thought you heard the word surgery as well.

Your aunt turned back to you and said, "Just rest, y/n." You looked over and saw the nurse put something in the IV and felt yourself get pulled under into slumber once again.

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