💜 After School 💜

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After school Mina hooked her arm around yours and followed you to where you were meeting Shinso. 

"Hi, I'm Mina," the pink girl waved as you approached Shinso. "Y/n told me a little bit about you, but I can't wait to hear more!" 

Shinso just kind of looked at the two of you with his hands in his pockets, not really sure what to say. And eventually mumbled, "I'm Hitoshi Shinso." He barely acknowledged Mina as he gazed at you not saying anything more to the pink girl.

Mina could see that she was awkwardly third wheeling, so she said, "Nice you meet you! I guess I will let you two catch up!" You turned to Mina and told her that you would catch up with her at a different time and hugged her goodbye

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Mina could see that she was awkwardly third wheeling, so she said, "Nice you meet you! I guess I will let you two catch up!" You turned to Mina and told her that you would catch up with her at a different time and hugged her goodbye. She skipped off behind Shinso. When she was a few yards away she turned around waving her hand up and down towards her face while mouthing the words, "He's so hot." 

You blushed slightly, hoping that Shinso wouldn't notice. A few minutes later, the two of you started walking out of the school and towards the boba shop that you decided to go to. 

You caught up on what had been going on with both of you the last 6 years and reminisced about old times and funny moments that you had together growing up. You also talked about the car accident and losing your parents and about how you both had tried so hard to talk to each other after it happened. He was still the same Hitoshi that you knew. It felt natural, like you hadn't been separated for those 6 years.

Hours passed and then you looked at the time and exclaimed, "Oh no! It's so late already! I need to get home before my Aunt Hiake starts to worry!" 

Before leaving, you exchanged numbers and agreed to text each other later. 

After getting home and eating dinner with your aunt, you plopped onto your bed when you felt your phone vibrate. You picked it up, hoping to have a message from Shinso, but it was from Mina instead. 


So….tell me everything


There really isn't much to say. We just caught up on old times and talked about what we have been doing the last few years.


Girl, he is a cutie. You had to have noticed. 


Well yeah, I guess. But we've been friends for so long, I doubt he has any interest in me.

Internally you could not deny how cute he had grown. You hoped that he would have at least some interest in you.


You obviously have no clue what you look like and the way you turn everyone's heads in the school, y/n. I even see Bakugo checking you out in class all the time. 

"He what?? There's no way that he would give me a second look. But…," you thought. "Even though he's angry most of the time, I can see that there is more to him once in a while and plus he clearly is not lacking in the looks department."


You are probably just seeing things. There's no way either of them would have interest in me.

You laid back in bed thinking about both boys. Not sure exactly how you felt about either. But you definitely thought both were very attractive and wanted to get to know them better. Both of their faces flashed in your mind as you drifted off to sleep. 

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