💜 Boys Will Be Boys 💥

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···Shinso POV···

I went to school early, hoping that I would be able to talk with Bakugo. I saw the smug bastard walking up and when he got closer I asked him, "Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?"

"What the fuck to you want, Zombie Boy?" he barked.

You are doing this for y/n. Just stay calm.

"Look, I don't know exactly what it is, but I know there's something going on between you and y/n," I said, trying as hard as I could to remain level.

"I don't really see why that is any of your fucking business," he retorted.

"Well I think that y/n would be better off with me."

"As if, you fucking extra."

"You scared to have competition?"

"There's no way she would choose you over me," Spikey said back. "I'm so confident that I'll even give you time with her, so when she chooses me we will both know that I won her over fair and square."

"And I'm confident she would pick me over you," I said back. "So maybe we should let her decide."

° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °

···Y/n POV···

Now that Shinso wasn't mad at you, lunch was much easier to get through. Yeah, there were still dirty glances shot back and forth between Bakugo and Shinso. But at least you were talking to each other again.

"Do you have any plans Sunday?" Bakugo looked towards you and asked.

"I don't think so," you said.

"I was thinking that maybe we could go Disneyland Tokyo"

You paused for a minute looking first at Bakugo then at Shinso who was slowly nodding his head as if to tell you that he was okay with this. "Yeah, sounds good." You were extremely excited to be able to go to Disneyland for the first time in years, but you didn't want to show too much enthusiasm and hurt Shinso's feelings.

"Speaking of this weekend, y/n," Mina said. "Some of us girls were planning on having a sleepover tomorrow. You should join us!"

"Sounds fun," you replied. "I can bring some snacks and a game for us to play."

After you got home from school you sent a text to Shinso.


Are you really okay with me going to Disneyland with Bakugo?


Yeah. I actually had a talk to him to clear the air and we both agreed that we were going to give you time to decide what you want to do.


I don't really know what to say to that.

But I guess thank you for giving me time to choose.


If you want to get a drink this afternoon let me know.


I wish I could, but I have to go to Shoto's house today with my Aunt.

° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °

You were actually much less nervous this time when you went to the Todoroki house. Now that you knew Shoto fairly well it seemed much less awkward.

You talked about a few assignments that were due next week and eventually the subject came up about Bakugo and Shinso.

"Yeah," you said, "I'm not really sure what I'm going to do."

"You will know the right decision when it is time to make it. So it's okay to be unsure now," Todoroki said. The advice was good for sure. Plus it was nice to talk to someone about the whole situation.

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