Vacation Day

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"Break is coming up in a few days," Aunt Hiake said. "I figured that we could take a trip together up to the mountains."

Maybe that's what I need. A vacation to clear my head so that I know what I need to do.

"I can't wait."

Both boys were a little disappointed that you would be gone for a few days, but it also relieved both because it meant that you were not hanging out with the other.


The drive up was beautiful and it made you appreciate nature as you gazed out of the window at the changing landscape. You placed your hand on the window and could feel that it was a bit colder out than it was in the city. It felt nice, so you pressed your head up against it and fell asleep.

"We're here!" your aunt said as she lightly shook you to wake you up.

You unpacked the car and drug the luggage up to the cabin where you would be staying for the week. You looked down at your phone which has several messages from both boys and Mina. You chatted back and forth with them for a few minutes while you sorted through your clothes.

"Do you want to make dinner or go out to eat?" Aunt Hiake said from across the room.

"Let's have a meal at home tonight, we can go out to eat tomorrow."

You cooked together, happy to be spending some time with the raven haired beauty.

"So, how are things at school?"

You chatted about school for a bit and then your conversation naturally came around to Shinso and Bakugo. As you explained more in detail about the situation you aunt just quietly listened, nodding her head.

"This reminds me of your mom when she was high school. I remember her having to choose between two guys back then."

"Well, who did she choose?" you asked.

"Your dad, of course."

"Do you know why she ended up choosing him? Like what was different?"

"Well I was quite a few years younger than them at the time so I'm not really sure why she chose you father. But she did tell me years later that it was the right choice because she got the exact life of her dreams. Complete with you."

You thought about her words very carefully and then thought about Bakugo and Shinso. Could you see a better life with one more than the other? They both treated you as if you were the most important person in the world. They were very different in many ways, but in every way that mattered to you, they both were equal.

Bakugo was more passionate and had a drive that was unparalleled by anyone. He was quite funny and he definitely knew how you make you putty with just a single kiss. You know that if you chose him that he would put 100% into it to make sure you were happy.

On the other hand, Shinso knew who you were as a person and remembered even little things about you. You shared so many of those memories together that formed you as a person. His kisses made your head spin and consumed you.

You continued to ponder your choices and drifted off to sleep.

The next two days were actually just what you needed to help you decide what to do. On the long drive home, you stared out the window at the rain, and thought about the choice that you needed to make. You lightly traced the raindrops as they raced to the bottom of the windows, trying to pick a winner. It seemed to be very fitting to your situation right now. Neither raindrop was better than the other, but one always came out as the winner. Race after race, you continued trying to pick the winning raindrop and only got it right about half he time.

Without warning, you suddenly heard the screeching from the tires and a loud crash as the entire car got shifted drastically to the side. You were still looking at the raindrops and you felt your head hit the window. Everything went black.

You were in a dreamlike state as you opened your eyes and saw the rain outside the car window slowly turn into snow. Confused you looked back into the car and found yourself transported back several years ago to the day your parents were taken from you. You saw your mom and tried to reach out to her but seemed to be frozen. Then everything went black again.

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