💥 You're Going Down 💥

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Mina was extra excited one day at lunch and decided that the people at your lunch table had been in class with each other long enough and should hang out after school.

"We could go to the arcade!"

The boys that usually sat next to Mina looked pumped and joined in trying to get everyone to hang out as a group.

Kirishima, a red haired boy with a hardening quirk, was working on Bakugo, trying to get him to cave and go with the group.

"What about you, y/n?" the flirty Kaminari asked, "you should come too!"

"Yeah, I guess I don't have anything else going on after school."

Bakugo muttered a few words under his breath but then begrudgingly agreed to tag along.

The only one who wasn't able to go was Shoto, who was going to be visiting his mom after school.

Soon the topic changed and you were finishing your lunch when you heard some shouting at the other end of the table arguing about who the best hero is.

"Crimson Riot is the manliest and best hero out there," Kirishima said loudly.

"In your dreams, shitty hair," Bakugo retorted, "It's definitely All Might."

The conversation got heated as more of the boys put their two cents in on who exactly was the best hero. You were actually happy when the bell rang telling you that lunch was over so that you could get away from their screaming. Do I really want to be hanging out with them after school?


As the last bell of the day rang, you all sprung out of your seats and fell into a formation and walked the few blocks over to the arcade.

You filled up your card with credits and looked around at the games and landed on a fighting game. Seconds later, Bakugo strolled up next to you and put his card in and said, "You're going down."

"Bring it, explosion boy."

Anyone who was in earshot of your game heard a slur of expletives coming from both you and Bakugo as you mashed the buttons. Soon you had a decent sized group of people watching you two. Both of you had just a sliver of life remaining when you saw your character land one final blow and you watched Bukugo's character drop.

"Yeah!" you screamed and did a small victory dance.

You could almost see the steam coming out of the blonde boy's ears. You slugged him slightly in the arm and said, "You aren't half bad." This seemed to only piss him off more and you thought you saw a vein starting to bulge from his head.

"Let's go again," he growled and he put his card back into the machine. You continued to volley hits back and forth for a while and beat him a couple of more times. He was a stubborn one and did not want to accept defeat and continued to challenge you. Eventually the others in your party got bored and wandered off, leaving just the two of you. You played several more games, he eventually got a couple of wins in but you pretty much dominated the game the entire time.

"If we were fighting in real life with our quirks, I would take you down, Red Hot," he snarled

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"If we were fighting in real life with our quirks, I would take you down, Red Hot," he snarled.

"Then let's make sure that we get paired up against each other the next time our class brawls," you snapped back.

"You're on," Bakugo said as a smirk came across his face. When he wasn't screaming at the top of his lungs, the blonde was actually very attractive and you smirked back at him and winked.

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