💜 Not Again 💥

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···Shinso POV···

As soon as I heard about the accident, I rushed off to the hospital where y/n was staying. I felt like I couldn't get there fast enough. I was directed to a room and as I entered I saw y/n's aunt and Bakugo sitting there . I was a little irritated that he was there, especially since he got there before me. But that irritation went away as soon as I saw y/n.

Aunt Hiake explained how y/n was under right now because she had a severe concussion, but would probably be waking up in the next day.

···Bakugo POV···

I wasn't thrilled when I saw Zombie boy walk in, but I wasn't going to make a scene because the only thing that mattered right now was y/n. She looked frail for the first time ever. When she was fighting she was so strong, but right now she looked so helpless. I took her hand and sat by the bed, willing for her to wake up.

"Will she be okay when she wakes up?" Shinso asked.

"They said she has a lot of swelling in her brain, but they were able to talk to her when she first came in and she was coherent." Y/n's aunt answered. "They think after the swelling has gone down that she should be fine with no long term effects."

···Narrator POV···

Half a day passed and both boys were vigilant as they watched over you, neither one leaving your side except to get food or go to the bathroom. As the night stretched on you could see it draining any energy out of both boys, but they both wanted to be there in case you woke up.

···y/n POV···

Your eyes were super heavy but you could hear from the sounds around you that you were in the hospital. You heard the low rumbles from Bakugo and the smooth baritone of Shinso who were talking to each other. You slowly opened your eyes to see both of them standing over you with concern in their eyes.

"How are you feeling?" Shinso said.

"Look who's up," Bakugo said, almost in unison.

Your head was pounding and your muscles ached. "Everything hurts," you muttered.

"You have the worst luck with accidents. Maybe we should put you in a bubble," Shinso said jokingly. You tried to chuckle but the laugh made your head pound even more.

They asked a few more questions, gauging your mental state and both decided that you seemed to be okay aside from the pain that you were feeling.

After 30 minutes or so you felt exhausted. "I think I need more sleep," you said, closing your eyes.

A/N: I will be separating the story into Shinso and Bakugo parts after this chapter. All three endings will start from this same point.

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