Bakugo Ending part 1

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**This takes place right after the accident. All repetitive things have been omited or shortened. Shinso did not confess.**

You woke in the hospital and you saw your Aunt, Bakugo, and Shinso surrounding you. After assessing your situation, they let you rest again and you drifted back to sleep.

You weren't sure if it was the medication or your head injury, but your dreams seemed to be especially vivid. You dreamt again of the car accident that you had with your Aunt Hiake. You felt tears flowing down your face and looked over to see the rain flowing down the windows as if it were mirroring your emotions. Just like before the rain slowly started to change to snow and when you looked back inside the car you were there with your parents. You were trying to reach out to your mom but it was so cold.

Warmth suddenly filled your hand and things started to feel better. You thought it was your quirk but as you looked down you saw a hand so you followed it up to see the owner. The face seemed to vanish right as you were about to lay eyes upon it.

You found yourself in the hospital with Bakugo looking down at you, his hand in yours and to your left was Shinso, hand lightly resting on your arm.

Still tired and weak, you felt yourself drifting in and out of sleep, repeating the nightmare over and over again, but everytime the warmth filled your hand you felt protected and the sadness would subside.

You weren't sure how much time passed but you heard Bakugo say, "I'm going to go get a coffee, tell me if she wakes up." You left your eyes shut, not wanting to click them open and have painful light shoot into them. But as you felt the warmth of his hand leave you, you felt that it was his warmth that was protecting you. Unable to speak you thought, "Please stay."

"On second thought, I don't really need it," you heard him say, as the warmth filled your hand again.

"I was going to get one anyways," you heard Shinso say. "I'll pick one up for you if you want."

"Hey, y/n," you heard Bakugo say a few moments later. He brought his hand up to your face and lightly rubbed your cheek with his thumb. "I'm still here and I won't ever leave."

You slowly opened your eyes and gazed up at the blonde boy.

"I was so scared when I heard about the car accident," he continued. "It made me realize that you could have been taken away from me. I just want to protect you."

"I do feel so protected when I'm with you." You then told him about your dreams and how you could feel his warmth and it helped you feel safe and calm.

You heard footsteps approaching from outside of the door.

"There's something I'd like to talk to you about later," the blonde said.

You weren't sure what he wanted to talk about. For a moment you were nervous, but you thought more about it and got the feeling it wasn't anything bad, things had been going so well lately. Maybe he wants to confess something?

···Shinso POV···

After getting the coffees, I walked back into the room where y/n was staying and saw that Bakugo and her were hand in hand. Y/n was now awake and talking with Bakugo about something but I was too far away to really hear what was being said.  She looked over to me as I came into the room and watched as I handed the drink to Bakugo. I looked down and noticed that as soon as he let go of her hand to take the coffee, she was already reaching out for his hand again and seemed relieved when she finally made contact with it again.

I sat down and took her other hand and we all sat silent for a few moments. It was almost a relief when the nurse came in with food to break up the awkwardness of the situation.

After the nurse left, I saw y/n look down at her food and Bakugo told her, "You should make sure to eat. You need your strength so you can get out of here."

She reached over and dug her spoon into some soup. I looked down and noticed that she was still holding on the Bakugo's hand. What is that about? That's twice now. I tried to brush the thoughts out of my head, but they lingered.

After her meal, y/n looked very tired, so we both told her that she should rest.

Bakugo isn't who I would prefer to have a conversation with, but knowing that both of us wanted what is best for y/n we put our differences aside and had a polite, although extremely trivial, conversation as we passed the time.

I looked down and saw y/n's face contorted. She was clearly having a nightmare of sorts. Wanting to calm her, I took her hand and lightly brushed her arm and cheek trying to soothe her. She let out a small whimper and she reached out her other hand frantically searching for something. Bakugo reached his hand out and took her hand into his and I saw the tenseness in her face relax and a calmness came over her. My heart dropped.

No matter what connection I think I have with y/n, she clearly has a subconcious connection with that kid. I don't know what I'm supposed to do now.

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