💥 New Girl in School 💥

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The following Monday you were walking into your new school. It was huge and you hoped that you wouldn't get lost on the way to your class. You entered class 1-A and took a seat at a desk towards the middle of the room.

You looked around the room and saw Shoto who was looking at you. You waved at him and smiled brightly. He gave you a small wave back but his face didn't return the smile that you gave him.

You also saw a well built blonde boy sitting next to you. You must have been staring for a minute because he loudly questioned you, "WHAT IN THE HELL ARE YOU STARING FOR?"

 You must have been staring for a minute because he loudly questioned you, "WHAT IN THE HELL ARE YOU STARING FOR?"

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This caught you off guard and you jumped back slightly, not sure how to respond back. But before you could even come up with a response, a voice came from the front of the room ordering everyone to pay attention. You looked to see what you assumed was your teacher, but he must have had a rough night because it looked like he hadn't slept in days and was snuggled into a yellow sleeping bag.

Introductions were said around the room one by one as each person said their name and their quirk. Everyone gasped when Todoroki introduced himself, apparently his father was quite the big deal in the hero business. You also heard several girls talking about how cute he was under hushed breaths. Eventually, the angry blonde went to the front of the class and introduced himself as Katsuki Bakugo and he seemed to have an extremely powerful quirk. His face was cute, you could see it even through his scowl, but you weren't sure about that awful personality.

You went up to the front of the class and introduced yourself. When you talked about Quickfire you seemed to get a lot of respect from around the room, even from Bakugo who had insulted over half the room's quirks calling them stupid.

Lunchtime rolled around and you looked around at the cafeteria searching for someone to eat with. Since you already knew Shoto, you walked over and asked if it was okay for you to join him. He looked up at you and quietly responded that it was okay. A few other students that you recognized from your class joined you at the table. A pink girl with antenna coming out of her head plopped next you and started talking a mile a minute. She introduced herself as Mina and you could tell right away that you two clicked and would be close. A brunette named Ochaco also sat down, taking the seat across from you. She seemed so sweet that you just wanted to pinch her cheeks.

Over the course of the next couple of days, you got to know more of your classmates better. You even got used to the outbursts from Bakugo which seemed to almost contrast the quiet politeness from Shoto. You also learned to avoid a half pint purple kid named Mineta who often drooled over you, and found some of the other boys were actually very funny and kind of flirty. You were surprised how quickly you came to think of everyone in the class as your family.

You were sitting at lunch one day with Shoto and Mina when Bakugo came and sat next to you, his toned arm brushing against yours as he sat down. You hadn't even realized that you had been staring at him until you heard him say, "Like what you see, Red Hot?"

Cocky much?

You scoffed at him and said,"You wish." But inside you were thinking that you really did like what you saw. When it came to Bakugo you always had conflicting thoughts. Part of you saw the hot guy and that he actually cared about his friends even if he had a funny way to show it. The other part of you thought that there is no way someone like him could ever stop screaming long enough for you to see if there was actually more to him than just anger.

It started to become a habit of you to sit with several of your classmates from 1-A. Bakugo seemed to have acquired an entourage and they always seemed to be vying for his attention. Todoroki quietly sat across from you and Mina chatted away excitedly next to you. By the end of the week, you had your usual spot at lunch with Mina on one side and Bakugo on the other. You were pretty sure Bakugo only sat next to you because you were the only one that would give him shit back. Or at least that's what you assumed it was.

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