🍋Two Is Better Than One🍋

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A/n: This takes place right after your accident when you are still at the hospital.

If you like the cutesy and fluffy stuff, the following endings are probably not for you. This is very angsty and manipulative. You are not the same sweet person you were before.

***Mature content ahead***

Bakugo's fingers weaved through the purple hair as he gripped onto the back of the other boy's head and tilted it back as he licked down the side of Shinso's neck. Shinso let out a small moan as he opened his purple eyes just slightly to peer at you from the corner of his eyes. His orbs were hungry and full of lust, drawing you in as you watched the sight before you.

Bakugo opened his mouth wide and bit down on the crook of Shinso's neck, just above the collarbone. In reply, Shinso's face contorted into a mix of both pleasure and pain and his fingertips dug into the more muscular boy's back.

You could see the sweat gleaming on both and could almost taste their scents in the air as they mixed with each other, creating a sweet, musky scent that permeated every pore of your body. An intense heat rose from between your legs and you shifted your legs slightly causing a tingling that begged to be touched.

The blonde traced his fingers along the front of Shinso's bare chest and to the front of his pants as he placed two fingers into the waistband and pulled down slightly. You could see his member causing a tension on the front of his underwear until it finally broke through like a dam that burst. His significant manhood sprung forth and you could see the glistening from the precum that was now dripping down the side of his shaft.

In return, Shinso reached into the blonde boy's underwear and took his stiffness into his hand. He pressed his thumb into the head and pulled away slightly leaving a trail of vicsous fluid before giving it a few pumps. A low growl came from Bakugo's lips and he looked over at you with lust filled eyes before saying, "Come join us."

This can't be happening.

You started going over to where they were, but each time you tried to get closer, they appeared to be moving further and further away until there was blackness.

You felt yourself sinking deeper and deeper into your slumbered state. Thoughts of both the accidents started jumbling together to the point you were unable to differentiate between the two. Although faint and muffled, you were able to hear voices around you coming from the two boys who your heart belonged to. Even though you were trying your best to fight it, blackness took over again.

I have to wake up for both of them.

You were extremely aware of the warmth radiating up from your hands as you slowly started to become aware of your surroundings. The hospital's cold visuals were a stark contrast to the dream from earlier and you wished nothing more than to return.

Each boy had one of your hands in his and both were fast asleep with their heads on your lap. You thought about reaching out to pet their hair, but didn't want to let go of their hands because you wanted to continue watching them both sleep.

I don't want to choose. I want both of you to be in my life. I wish we could all be together.

You shifted slightly in bed and saw both boys stir in their sleep and mumble under their breath. They both seemed to be mumbling the same thing, but you couldn't quite make out what they were saying.

You continued to run through the thoughts in your head of how you could somehow keep both of them in your life, since they were both so embedded into your heart. Several minutes passed by, only the sounds of the monitor and the boys breathing could be heard. You sighed deeply, at which point both boys opened their eyes and looked up at you.

Control | Bakugo x Female Reader x ShinsoWhere stories live. Discover now