Long Stay

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You weren't sure how much time had passed when you awoke again. Everything felt like a blur. You noticed large, white bandages on your lower half, one covering where you had seen the metal coming out of your thigh, and more around your hips. Your Aunt Hiake was sitting on a chair looking like she hadn't slept in days, worry in her eyes.

The doctor walked into the room and over to you and started to talk to you and your aunt. He started saying a lot of confusing words like "bone marrow transplant" and "familial". You didn't seem to understand most of it, but your aunt nodded her head and glanced back at you every once in a while.

"W-what's going on?" Your voice felt rough and it was hard to get the words out, but you wanted to know what was happening.

After the doctor left, your aunt came and sat by you and tried to explain things to you in a way that you would understand.

You had lost a lot of blood and they tried to give you several units of blood, but after a few days they noticed that you were no longer making red blood cells and you needed to have a bone marrow transplant. Luckily, your dad ended up being a match. Then she started to cry quietly.

"Your dad... he.... he didn't make it, y/n.
I'm so sorry, sweetie. They both loved you so much they would have done anything for you. We almost lost you as well...but your dad's last gift to you was his bone marrow so that you could live."

The news hit you harshly. Were the tears never going to end?

Days seemed to drag on, with you drifting in and out of sleep hoping to escape this nightmare. You didn't know if it was worse being asleep or awake. Pain and sadness filled you when you were awake, and nightmares fueled your sleep as flashbacks of the crash kept playing on rewind over and over again.

You tried to distract yourself when you were awake. Watching the tv or playing Uno with your Aunt Hiake.

She was a beautiful woman, several years younger than your father, but had the same stunning icy blue eyes. Her raven hair flowed down her back to about mid level. You always envied how she looked and wish you had taken after your father more. She also had the same fire quirk as him. A useful quirk. One that was extremely heroic. She was a force to be reckoned with.

You could tell that your aunt was feeling out of sorts, because fire danced along the palm of her hand every once in a while. Almost serving as a distraction from the ordeal that laid out in front of you both.

···Shinso POV···

When I heard the news about y/n, I wanted desperately to see her at the hospital. My mom ended up calling the hospital to find out more information, but she was told that y/n was not allowed to have visitors at this time because of her immune system being compromised during the bone marrow transplant. My chest hurt so much, wishing nothing more than to just see y/n.

When I went to school the next day, I thought that maybe with the news about y/n's condition that someone might approach me so that I would have someone to talk to. But it seems their fear of me using my quirk on them was greater than their concern for a fellow classmate.

I just want y/n to come back. I want her to be okay. I want her parents to be okay.

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