💜💜 Bonded 💜💜

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Years went by and you and Shinso grew closer, bonded by your "villainous" quirks and exclusion from the rest of the activities that your class participated in. You agreed to never use your quirks on each other, only ever using them when you needed to in your quirk courses.

Sometimes, in quirk courses, you were able to actually control Shinso, but it was very rare. It really depended on his mood and what you were feeling that day. His quirk, on the other hand, was so powerful and he always was able to gain complete control over you.

You worried about your quirk not always working and talked to your mom about it from time to time. She had the same quirk as you and always told you that you needed to be patient, and one day your quirk will be powerful. Some days you wished that you had your dad's quirk, which was a fire based quirk called Quickfire. That's the type of quirk a hero would have.

Whenever you and Shinso hung out with each other it was almost like you were quirkless. The other kids were always bragging to each other about who had the best quirk and showed off constantly to each other, but it was just something that neither of you really cared about. You were just happy to have him in your life and he was happy to have you in his.

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···Age 9···

You were hanging out at Shinso's house one winter afternoon, plopped on the couch watching a rerun like you did most afternoons after school

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You were hanging out at Shinso's house one winter afternoon, plopped on the couch watching a rerun like you did most afternoons after school.

"What do you want to do today?" Shinso asked.

"I dont know. I'm sort of sick of playing the same games at the arcade and I'm not really hungry right now," you replied, shrugging slightly and kicking your legs that were hanging off of the couch.

"What about boba?" The indigo haired boy responded, as he gazed at you. A patch of sun from the window caught his purple eyes and they were sparkling and you could see various shades scattered throughout them.

"Nah, its snowy outside and I want to do something that we don't do every day," you said, looking at him. "I know.....let's practice our quirks!"

He paused for a moment and said hesitantly, "We really shouldn't do that outside of school."

Looking bummed, you replied, "Yeah... I know... I just never really get a chance to use it and I feel so weak whenever I do. Maybe you could help me get stronger."

He looked over at you and seemed to be lost in thought. "Y/n is so insecure about her quirk. I wish I could tell her how amazing I think she is with or without her quirk," he thought.

"Alright," he conceded, "but you are not allowed to try to make me do anything gross!"

"Deal. Same goes for you."

"I guess I will go first. What's your favorite color?" He said. You knew that as soon as you answered he would gain control of you.

"Purple," you replied, thinking about how easy it was to get lost in the purple of his eyes. And then you drifted away to darkness.

Shinso didn't say anything right away. He sat there for a moment just taking in your features. He really did think you were amazing. And knew that you were going to grow up beautiful. After a few moments of taking in your features, he finally uttered, "do the hokey pokey."

He chuckled lightly as he watched you dance around the living room and then released you from his control. Still laughing slightly as you came out of the trace-like state.

He told you about how "cute" you looked doing the hokey pokey and you lightly slugged his shoulder, both of you laughing for a minute.

"So you think I'm cute?" You asked, slightly blushing.

Shinso turned a deeper shade of red across his cheeks and confessed, "I'm sure you already knew that. You're the prettiest girl in our class."

You sat awkwardly blushing at each other for a minute, not really knowing what to say. Suddenly remembering what you were doing, you shouted out excitedly, "My turn!"

You sat across from Shinso, trying to think of what to say, when a flashing thought of him kissing your cheek popped into your head. Before you knew it, his lips softly brushed against your cheek for just a brief moment. You didn't even think you sent the command over to him, so it took you slightly by surprise. It obviously caught him by surprise as well because his blush was back and he looked at you wide eyed.

"S-sorry," you panicked, "I didn't think I actually sent anything over to you, it just kind of popped into my head."

"Don't be sorry," he said looking into your eyes. "I'm not."

I wonder what it would be like to kiss him on the lips. No, I probably shouldn't do that.

You were just about to change the subject when you heard a knock at the door. Shinso was clearly still on guard and quickly jumped up and ran over to the door to answer.

As he opened it up, you saw your parents who were there to pick you up to go home. You really didn't want to go home yet. You looked at Shinso who had a similar look on his face as well.

"Can I just stay over here for the night?" you asked while giving your mom puppy dog eyes.

"Sorry kiddo," she replied. "Maybe next time."

You drug your feet a bit in the snow as you went into the car and smiled lightly while you hugged Shinso goodbye and hopped into the car. You waved to each other as your dad slowly pulled away from the curb. The thought of Shinso kissing your cheek kept replaying in your head. "Did that really just happen?" you internally squealed.

Even though the drive wasn't far from home, you ended up falling asleep in the car, thinking about the purple haired boy as you drifted away.

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