🍋Two is Better Than One part 4🍋

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The sun was warm on your face the next morning as you opened your eyes and looked at the two boys who were still sleeping. Both looked so peaceful and you thought about letting them sleep longer so you could watch them, but you decided that it was better to get the day started. After using your quirk, you woke them both up and wandered into the bathroom and started brushing your teeth.

Shinso was the first to hop out of the bed and came behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist. You turned slightly towards him, still brushing your teeth, and he placed a soft kiss on your cheek. "Do you know what plans you have besides breakfast today?"

"You'll have to ask Bakugo."

You thought his face changed to an annoyed expression, but he walked out of the bathroom shortly after. "Hmm," he mumbled under his breath so you couldn't hear. "I have a feeling I know what he is planning."

Finishing up in the bathroom, you started going through your clothes, trying to decide what you wanted to wear. You heard the bathroom door close and assumed that one of the boys must be changing or showering in the bathroom. A few moments later, Bakugo walked out of the bathroom with his top still in hand. He shot you a crooked smile when he noticed that you were checking him out and walked over to you before giving you a kiss. "You gonna be ready soon?" he said while putting his tight t-shirt on.

"Yeah, I'll meet you in the living room after I change."

After getting ready, you opened the door to see Shinso standing in the doorway of the bathroom. He looked down at you as he leaned in to give you a kiss. Your tongues intertwined in a dance as you felt your cheeks flush. "I'm going to miss you." He said through his lidded eyes as he touched your cheek softly.

"You good with this?"

"I mean I can't say I'm thrilled that you are going to be spending a whole day with him alone. But I'll just be thinking about tomorrow when I get you to myself."

He pulled you in close and wrapped his arms around you as you pressed your face into his chest. You could feel his heart beating and the warmth radiating off of his chest. You pulled away slightly and felt him pull you in again, this time raising your chin so that he could kiss you again.

"Hey," Bakugo said a few minutes later. "It's my day. So why don't you do whatever it is that you are going to do."


The restaurant was fairly full for being later in the morning and you could hear a low buzz from everyone in their conversations, but you were happy because it felt like a real date.

"Do you have anything in mind that you wanted to do after this?" you asked, while pushing your food around your plate. 

"I don't care what we do, as long as I'm with you. I don't care if we are just end up watching a movie at your house."

"Any movie you had in mind?" you asked.

"Nah, you can decide, I don't really care what we watch."

"So you want to watch a Neil Breen movie then?" you questioned, raising your eyebrows.

A/N: Neil Breen movies are known for being so bad that they are hilarious without intending to be. Not exactly a date night movie. 😂

"Okay, maybe not any movie. Even though I'm not sure if I will be able to pay attention to the movie at all when I get you alone."

You felt your face turning red. OMG. Am I ready for what he has in mind? What does he have in mind?!?!?

Bakugo must have sensed your state of panic, because he put his hand on top of yours and said, "Hey, its still me. I'm not going to do anything you don't want to do."

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