Two is Better Than One part 6

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You expected Bakugo to show up later that evening after dinner, just like Shinso had done the night before, but he made no attempt to contact you.

You must have fallen asleep while watching Netflix and before you knew it, it was the next morning. You heard your phone vibrating and looked down and saw a message from Bakugo.

I'll meet you at school.

Hmmm. That was short and straight to the point. Usually when he texts he was a least a little bit flirty. I wonder if he is upset about something.

Okay, I'll meet you by the gates?

You felt Shinso stir next to you and look over towards your phone. "Who's that?"

"It's just Bakugo, he said he's meeting us at the school."

The purple haired boy sat up and ran his hand through his hair, "I expected him to show up last night. Is he just pissed off because he wasn't the center of attention?"

"He probably just had something else to do."

Why didn't he come back last night?

After getting ready and finishing breakfast, you headed towards the school, Shinso taking your hand in his as you walked. As you approached the gates to the school, you saw Bakugo leaning up against the wall while looking in your direction. His face showed that he was definitely irritated about something.

"You good?" you questioned as you approached the blonde boy.

"Yeah...fine," he curtly responded.

As you walked to class, Bakugo was unusually quiet. Yeah, something is definitely wrong. He's never this quiet.

You wanted to talk to him, but you seemed to constantly be surrounded by people throughout the day. You also debated passing him a quick note in class, but thought better of it. If he's pissed off, I should probably talk to him in person.

You thought maybe he was back to normal at lunch because he started yelling at Kaminari and Mineta when they were messing around, so you took the time to strike up a conversation.

"What did you end up doing last night? We thought you were going to come back in the evening," you questioned towards Bakugo as he settled down at the table.

You felt the eyes of the others at the table as you questioned the blonde and felt your face redden. Over the last several months, they seemed to have been somewhat accepting of your polyamorous relationship, but this was the first time that they has seen any strife since the relationship started. It was hard enough trying to settle into things without the judgement of the other people around you.

"Just had stuff to do," he said, while picking at his food.

Maybe it's because I didn't use my quirk this morning. I've been trying to use it less, but even when I don't use it he is usually not this pissy.

"Come here," you said, while grabbing the blonde boy's hand and dragging him into a hallway where you could talk alone. You saw Shinso stand up, but shook your head at him to let him know that he should stay put.

"Out with it," you said as you backed him into the wall and stared up at him. If you were taller, it would have been the perfect kabedon, but it probably just looked awkward because of your height difference. "Why didn't you come back last night?"

"I did," Bakugo said. You expected him to continue, but after a long pause you realized that he had no intention of elaborating.

"Ok, well why didn't you stay then? Actually, when did you even come? Was I asleep? Why not just wake me up?" You realized that you had bombared him with too many questioned to answer and lowered your hand from the wall to take his hand into yours. "Sorry,...... so what happened then?"

He just stood there staring at you as if he were busy thinking of what to say.  You looked up and down the hallway real quick to see if you were alone and then turned your attention back to Bakugo and lifted your hand to his face. Your lips met his and you felt the tenseness in his body settle a little bit as you slipped your tongue into his mouth. Coming out of the kiss, you kept your hand on his face and said, "I love you, Katsuki. So if something is bothering you, just tell me."

"I saw the condom in the trashcan."


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