💜 Show Us Your Quirks 💜

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"He has a quirk that is kind of like mine," you excitedly said. Your parents were listening intently as you told them about your day, "...and he has a nice smile and is so funny."

Your mom asked you to set the table for dinner and you continued your story, "...and we played chopsticks and I won!"

"Sounds like you had a perfect day, y/n," your dad chimed in.

You saw how happy they were to hear about your new friend, so you decided that it was best to not tell them about what happened with the other kids in class. Tomorrow was another day and the other kids would come around once they saw how fun you were to be around, right?

That night as you went to bed you happily thought back about the sweet boy as you drifted off. I think I just found my best friend for life.

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The next day, you spotted Shinso on the way into the class and ran up to him and asked if he wanted to sit by you in class. He smiled back and walked to the opposite side of the class and patted a seat next to him that was empty. The other kids didn't look in your direction, let alone smile, but at least they weren't scowling at you now.

That afternoon, the class went to a quirk course class where everyone would be working on their quirks. The teacher asked everyone to get into groups of three and you quickly found Shinso and paired off with him. You looked around for a third person, but everyone seemed to have already found a group.

Your teacher saw everyone in their groups and then her eyes fell into the girl with the waterfall quirk alone and told her to go with you and Shinso. She drug her feet as she came over and kept looking back at her friends with a worried look on her face.

The blue haired girl stood very far away from you and Shinso and you could see that she was holding back tears.

"Ms. Tanaka," she burst out in tears, "please don't make me go with them."

Ms. Tanaka walked over and started quietly talking to the girl soft enough that you weren't able to hear what they were saying. After a few minutes, you saw the girl nod her head and walk over to another group of girls and join them.

The teacher walked over to you after and quietly said to you and Shinso, "You two are okay with it just being the two of you, right?"

You both nodded your head in agreement, trying not to be hurt by the course of events that just took place. It was then that you realized that your class was never going to accept you and your heart sank a little. This is all because of my quirk.

Your teacher explained to the class some rules about using your quirks and slowly walked around the room making sure everyone was following instructions that she had explained earlier.

After you and Shinso were explained a few additional rules just as precautions, you went to work on using your quirks.

After you and Shinso were explained a few additional rules just as precautions, you went to work on using your quirks

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Shinso was the first to go. "What is your favorite color?" He said as he gazed intently into your eyes.

As soon as the words "purple" left your mouth, you suddenly felt like you had left your body and things got a bit dark and far away. Next thing you knew, you were staring back at Shinso.

"Are you going to do it?"

"I already did," Shinso replied with a slight chuckle. "You don't remember me telling you to walk around clucking like a chicken?"

You thought back and sort of vaguely started to remember a little bit of what he was talking about, but it was still a blur. It was definitely something you had never experienced before.

"Okay, now your turn," he looked at you waiting.

You gazed into his purple eyes and telepathically thought act like a monkey over and over.

Nothing happened, so you tried again, staring into his beautiful purple orbs. Still nothing.

"I don't think it's working," he said.

"Did you feel anything at all?"

"I sort of heard my inner voice saying act like a monkey, but I just sort of ignored it, " he said with a shrug.

You were about to ask him if you could try one more time, when your teacher interrupted the whole room and said that class was over and to head back to the classroom.

The last two days were definitely not the best introduction to school, but as the days went on, you cared less about what the other kids in the class were saying about you. You had Shinso, and he was the best friend anyone could ask for. So you stopped even trying to become friends with your other classmates.

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