Bakugo Part 4

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···3 months later···

"We are going to be training our quirks again this afternoon, so go to the locker room and change into your hero costumes," Aizawa announced to the class after lunch.

"Go ahead and pair up with whoever you would like," the teacher from class 1-A said after everyone filed into the practice area. 

You and Bakugo looked at each other. "Rematch?" you said. You had built up your stamina quite a bit since the last time you sparred with Bakugo and wanted to pair up again with him to see where you stood now. 

"You're on!" the blonde said, "but I'm not going to take it easy on you just because you're my girlfriend." 

The fight was reminiscent of the fight from months ago, but this time you were able to keep up a lot more. There is no way he will be able to pin me down again.

Bakugo seemed slightly distracted. Maybe it's because you were together, or maybe it was your hero costume, but he was just slightly off. Taking advantage of the situation, you managed to throw your Quickfire in his direction and you could smell it as it singed on his left side.

Instead of wincing from the pain, the hit only seemed to rile him up more and he was coming at you almost twice as fast as before. You were fast, but he still managed to get the best of you and an explosion detonated right next to you, sending excruciating pain from your right leg.  

You cried out in pain and fell to the ground. Bakugo instantly stopped and ran over in your direction. "You okay, Red Hot?" 

You looked up at him and nodded your head slightly. He looked down at your leg and made a pained expression, "I'll carry you down to Recovery Girl."

Bakugo scooped you up bridal style and carried you off towards the recovery wing. If it hadn't been for the excruciating pain, it would have been romantic as you snuggled your head into the crook of his neck taking in his caramel scent.

Recovery Girl must have been informed of your arrival, because she met the two of you at the door and took you in to treat your wounds. You laid down on the cot and she crawled her way up onto a chair to look at your leg. "I'll have this fixed up for you in no time, dearie," the sweet grandmother type said to you as she leaned in to kiss you. 

You instantly felt alleviated from the pain and looked over towards Bakugo who had a look of concern on his face. 

"I'm good now," you directed towards him. He held your hand and you could feel the warmth which was almost as nice as the feeling that Recovery Girl gave you from her kisses. 

Seeing that you were now feeling better he took a dig at you, "Looks like I still win." You smacked his arm hard and he followed up with an, "Oi Oi Oi, the fight is over, y/n." 

Recovery Girl eventually kicked out Bakugo and you were required to rest the remainder of the school day even though you felt well enough to go back to class.

After school you met up with your boy. "You missed a lesson," he said as he handed you a sheet of paper with some work on it. "I'll help you with it after we get to my place if you want."

As Bakugo opened the door he yelled out, "We're home, Old Hag!" But there was no response. Walking over to the counter, he saw a note and after reading it, turned back to you and said, "Guess they are out for the evening." 

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