🍋Shinso Part 10🍋

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"You're perfect, y/n," Shinso said while laying on your bed, his head propped up on one arm. You looked over and saw a dreamy look in his eyes as he stared at you lovingly.

"I'm just letting you know, when I take a shit, it stinks," you quipped back. "I am far from perfect."

"You know what I mean. You are what I consider perfect for me."

You leaned in and planted a kiss on his lips before saying, "You're perfect for me as well."

"Then let's get married," the indigo haired boy said, raising his eyebrows slightly.

"Toshi, we are 17..... and we are still in high school...... and we don't even live together," you said very matter-of-factly.

"Yeah, but my heart will never change," Shinso said, now cupping your cheek in his hand. The words made your heart skip a beat and you knew that they were the most sincere words that you had ever heard.

"Are you just saying this because you want to sleep with me?" you said jokingly, trying to lighten the mood a bit.

"No," he said and gave you a quick kiss but kept his lips close you yours as he uttered, "But I wont object if you want to." He then deepened the kiss as you felt the heat from his tongue enter your mouth.

His hands wrapped around your waist and he pulled you closer to him, your bodies now pressing up against each other.

You pulled you lips away for a moment and said, "I will marry you one day, but for now let's just pretend every day is our honeymoon instead."

"Does that mean I can buy you a honeymoon outfit then?"

"I'll dress up however you want me to."

You saw Shinso smile deviously and thought to yourself, "Oh no, what did I just get myself into?"

···Several days later···

"What's this?" you questioned Shinso, while being handed a box wrapped in a big purple bow.

"Open it and see."

You untied the ribbon and moved the tissue inside of the box aside to reveal an (favorite color) outfit that left very little to the imagination. You held up a mostly see through lace top with fur trim and a pair of bottoms that matched. You noticed more in the box and pulled out a pair of cat ears, a tail, and a collar.

You looked up at Shinso who was carefully reviewing your face to see what you thought of the gift.

So this is his thing, eh? Could have been worse. At least I think I will look cute in this.

You smiled back at him and said flirtly, "Want me to put this on for you now?"

He didn't say a word and just nodded his head while nibbling on his own lip, still studying you to see what you thought.

You gathered up the box and its contents and went into the bathroom that was attached to your room.

After putting the (favorite color) outfit on, you looked in the full length mirror to see how it looked. You saw that your nipples were very erect from the cool temperature and they were pressing up against the lace cups that were trimmed in the faux fur. Turning around, you saw that most of your ass was hanging out, but there were two elastic straps at the bottom that lifted your cheeks and made it look extra juicy.

You stepped back into your room, playfully striking a cat pose and tried your best to look alluring, stiffling a small giggle. Rarr!!

Shinso, who was sitting on the edge of the bed, looked up at you and his mouth fell open slightly. Standing up, he walked over to you and did a lap around you, smacking your ass as he went around. Stopping and leaning into your ear, he hummed, "I adore you, Kitty."

Shinso hooked his finger into the loop of the collar around your neck and gently pulled you, leading you to the bed before he fell back and pulled you on top of him. You adjusted yourself so that you were straddling him and placed your hands on his chest and looked down. "I think you are way overdressed," you said slightly tugging on his shirt.

"I have to agree," he said, taking off both his shirt and pants.

You looked down and noticed his huge bulge through his underwear. "You're that excited already?" you said while lightly stroking over the top of the cloth.

"It happened as soon as I saw you in that outfit."

"We will try to get good use out of it then."

You leaned over and licked his lips inviting yourself into his mouth, which he happily returned. He ran a hand through your hair, knocking the ears crooked. You were going to throw them aside, but he placed his hands on yours and said, "Keep them on."

After placing them back on, he flipped you until you were on your back and positioned himself so that he was hovering over you, pressing himself between your legs.

He started nibbling on your neck as you felt his hand move down your body and dive into your underwear, fingers caressing your folds gently. You felt an intense heat start to form below and felt your hips unconciously start grinding into his hand.

Running your hands across his chest and shoulders, you traced his and down to just above his pubic bone. You felt the precum on his underwear as you pulled them down to free his hard shaft. You pumped it a few times and felt his hips move as he let out a low moan.

You dove into each other for another passionate kiss and released your hands from each other to remove each other's underwear.

Pressing his cock against your pubic bone, he slowly started to thrust his hips, rutting up against you. Your hot juices started leaking out, slicking up his shaft as it rubbed up against your clit.

"Put it in," you pleaded breathily.

You watched as he tore open a condom with his teeth and slowly press it down. He then lined up with your entrance that was overflowing with juices. He glided in easily and pressed himself firmly until you felt him his the back of your vaginal wall.

Slowly he started thrusting in and out, arching his hips slightly upwards to bury himself deeper. You adjusted your legs until one was on his shoulder and you felt him go impossibly deep within you, filling up every crevice. You felt yourself getting close to orgasm and started moaning loudly.

Just before you thought you would unravel, Shinso pulled out and you found yourself on all fours, soon after he quickly thrust himself within you again. Grabbing onto your hips and pounding into you, he started to moan with each thrust. You felt the previous orgasm approaching again and started to thrust yourself back into him to try to have him fill you even more, hoping for release. Soon he was ramming wildly and sloppy and you felt yourself explode and he buried himself deep within you, member twitching in time with your own orgasm.

"Omg. That was so intense," you said between breaths.

"Did we just cum together?" Shinso said, lungs still trying to get air.

"Mhmm," you said while pulling him into you so that you were laying in each other's arms. You buried your head into his chest which was strong with his scent, as you felt him kiss the top of your head.

"Sure you don't want to get married now?" he said jokingly, as you jabbed him in the ribs.

One day for sure.

***This concludes the main story for Shinso. Shinso and Bakugo will both have some additional side stories that I will be adding in the coming days though. ***

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