New Girl in Town

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···6 years later···

"I got an offer for a job under Endeavour," your aunt said excitedly one day after you came home from school. "We will be moving back to Japan at the end of the month." 

Your eyes lit up wide. While you loved your friends and your time in America, you missed so many things about Japan. Including your best friend, Shinso, who you never got to say goodbye to. 

"I wonder what Hitoshi is doing right now," you thought to yourself. "I don't even know where I would find him now." 

° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °

The month flew by and before you knew it, you were on a plane headed back to Japan. You were so eager to be back home. Of course you would miss your friends in America, but you had a phone now and you could always Facetime them. Plus you knew that you would be lifelong friends. They had even thrown you a going away party!

Stepping off the plane, you felt an excitement bubble up inside you. You hoped that this would be a new start for you in Japan.

You eventually settled into your new house, which was surprisingly close to your old house. You wondered if Shinso still lived in his same house, which was not far from where you were staying now.

One foot on top of the other, you tried to trace your steps back to where he used to live. You decided to cut through the park on your way when you heard a ruckus.

You saw a taller black haired boy leaning over a smaller boy who was cowering against the wall. You froze in your tracks, trying to decide what to do. The boy was at least a foot taller than you and you weren't sure if stepping in was the best thing to do. Leave him alone. 

Something seemed to come over the boy as he turned around and just walked the other way leaving the smaller boy relieved but confused. 

You ran over to see if he was okay and he seemed a little embarrassed but his mood seemed more level. 

"Did I just use Control?" you thought to yourself, "I can't even remember the last time I used that quirk." 

Using Control reminded you even more of Shinso and you hurried along the street hoping that maybe he would still be there waiting for you. You arrived at what you thought was the house and knocked on the door. An elderly lady opened the door slightly and after a brief conversation you realized that Shinso no longer lived there.

You went home and had dinner with Aunt Hiake. There must be some way that I can find him.

"Endeavour would like to have all of his sidekicks over to his house tomorrow night so that I have a chance to meet everyone before we start working together." she plainly said. "He has a young son around your age. Maybe you could get to know someone before break is over and you have to start school."

It made sense for Aunt Hiake to be sidekick under Endeavour since their quirks were so similar. And you wondered if he could give you some tips about your quirk as well.

"Yeah, sounds great," you mumbled, distracted by your thoughts of Shinso and how to find him.

Control | Bakugo x Female Reader x ShinsoWhere stories live. Discover now