🍈Two is better Than One part 7🍈

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***Not full lemon, but it gets a little steamy***

You thought for a few minutes, trying to figure out what to say. Finally breaking the silence you said, "It just sort of naturally happened. And we had that conversation the day before so I thought you would be okay with this."

"Its not about that. I know what we all agreed to. I'm just pissed because I wanted to be the first," Bakugo said.

You felt some of your anxiety melt away at this statement, but a nervous laugh still escaped your lips. "Well I guess I'm relieved that your pissed about that and not pissed that it happened."

"Well just because he is first doesn't mean he's the best," he boasted.

His lips crashed into yours again and you felt a heat rising up within you. The next thing you knew, you felt yourself being dragged by the hand down the hall and into the boy's bathroom. "Uh... Katsuki. I don't know abo-----" his lips interrupted you as you felt his tongue exploring your mouth and his hand reached behind him to lock the stall.

His hands grabbed onto your thighs and drifted upwards until one hand was placed firmly on your ass and the other on your waist and pulling you closer to him while also untucking your shirt.

You reached your hands up and through his hair as you felt your carnal desires start to take over your body. You were extremely aware of the large bulge that was now pressing against your stomach through all of the layers of clothes. His hands reached under your shirt and you felt him firmly grab onto your breast and flick your nipple.

"Mmmm," Bakugo hummed. "You are already so perky."

Just then you heard the bell that signified the end of lunch and felt a wave a panic take over.

Oh shit! I forgot that we are at school!

Before you could even think of how to get back to your class without being seen, you heard the door to the bathroom open and students talking to each other as they walked in and stopped just outside of the stalls.

You were trying to concentrate on being quiet so that you wouldn't get caught, but Bakugo was testing you by biting your ear softly and rubbing the front of your panties until they were wet from your juices.

You smacked him lightly and shot him a look to tell him you didn't want to get caught, but he just grinned back at you in response.

You heard shuffling of feet and a boy's voice getting further away as they said, "I think someone might have been in that sta----"

You heard the second bell ring and pushed Bakugo back as you unlocked the stall. "We're going to end up having to stay after school." You were trying to act irritated, but the whole thing excited you greatly.

"It was worth it." was the only thing he said as you did you best to straighten out your clothes and run back to class.

Right before you entered class you saw Bakugo pulling his shirt down over his pants to hide his erection as he walked in and quickly sat down. You saw grins from a few classmates aimed in your direction and sunk into your seat with embarassment.

"Y/n, Bakugo, see me after class." Aizawa said shooting daggers in your direction.

···A few weeks later···

You were exhausted. While part of you loved having so much attention from the two boys you loved, part of you was just so tired, especially since your legs were weak most days. I felt like over the last few weeks, you went from light kisses, to almost daily trysts. And to top it off, neither boy seemed to want to slow down.

"Ugh," you sighed as you sat next to Mina during a training session in class one day. You propped your head up onto your hand, but it felt more like you were melting into your hand instead. "I'm exhausted."

"Bae," the pink girl responded back. "Do I need to take those boys down? I barely get to see you anymore because of those two horndogs."

"No," you said. "I think I just need to tell them that we don't always have to have sex during our alone time. But then they look so cute and they get me all hot and then we are at it once again. Ugh."

"If they love you, they won't mind giving you a break and just hanging out with you."

You leaned your head onto her shoulder and she patted your hair lightly . "You're right, Mina. Thanks for always being there for me."

"BTW, I haven't hung out with you in forever. How about we get everyone together this weekend? Party at my house!"

"Yeah," you said, still too exhausted to lift your head. "Letting loose might be just what I need. Plus if I'm with both of them at the same time, I'll get a break for the night."

"Y/n, just talk to them. They will understand."


"I'm saying this is front of both of you, so neither of you gets the wrong idea," you said while standing over the two boys who were sprawled out on your bed. They each sat up and focused while you continued, "I can't keep doing this. It's exhausting."

You saw both of their faces drop as Bakugo blurted out, "So you just break up with us because you're tired? What the fuck."

"Oh! No, no, no!" you said panicked and waving your arms in front of you. "I didn't mean I wanted to end things with either of you. I just can't keep doing.... you know."

Shinso cocked his head to the side in puzzlement, and Bakugo furrowed his brows.

"It's too much! I can barely walk!"

Suddenly understanding what you were talking about, Shinso was the first to start laughing, followed by Bakugo. "Well why don't you just say so, y/n? I'm fine if you cant handle this beast all the time." He said, pointing in the direction of his crotch.

"It's clearly my dick that she can't handle all the time," Bakugo jumped in.

You rolled your eyes at the both of them and laughed. "You both have amazing dicks, okay? You don't need to measure up to each other to see who is better."

The boys looked at each other and it made you think to yourself, "Oh geez, they are going to do just that, aren't they? Neither is going to be happy until they know who is bigger."

"How about a break? Just for a week or two," you said, trying to steer the conversation back to your objective.

"Fine," they both said in unison.

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