🍋 Bakugo Part 9 🍋

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***Mature content ahead***

There was a small amount of snow on the ground as the two of you walked home, his warm hand in yours. "I kinda got you something for Valentine's Day," Bakugo said while looking over at you. "I know I should have waited until White Day, but I got impatient."

A/n: For those that dont know about White Day, it is a month after Valentine's Day on March 14th. After the girl gives the boy chocolates on V-Day, the guy reciprocates by getting the girl stuff on White Day.

"I'm intrigued," you said, raising one eyebrow.

You could smell curry cooking as you entered the Bakugo house. Bakugo's mom, Mitsuki, was stirring something in the pot on the stove and turned around to face you both as you walked through the front door.

"Y/n!" the blonde mom said as she ran over to give you a hug. "Are you staying for dinner tonight?"

"Stop bothering her, old hag," the explosive boy said. "She's not here to see you."

"Mind your manners, Katsuki," Mitsuki exploded back at the boy. "I dont need you scaring off the only girl who will ever be tolerant enough to handle you!"

"You should know by now that I don't scare off that easy, Ms. Bakugo," you replied back. "I'm not going anywhere."

"Well you know who to go to if this boy doesn't treat you well," she said, throwing a side eye at her boy. You were walking back to his room when you heard his mom yell down the hall, "If you do anything , you two better be using protection. I'm too young to be a grandmother."

You threw your bag down on the bed and plopped down as Bakugo rummaged through a drawer and took out a red box with a bow on top.

"Here," he said, tossing the box in your direction.

Curious as to what he got you, you opened up the box and saw tissue paper that was containing some sort of cloth. Your eyes widened as you pulled out a red, lace set and held it up inspecting it. There was also a pair of fuzzy red handcuffs at the bottom.

Hmmmm. This could be fun.

 This could be fun

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