💥💥 Coffee with Explosion Boy 💥💥

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The next morning you got up a few hours before you were supposed to meet up with Bakugo. You wanted to put a little bit more effort into getting ready than you usually did. You headed out to the living area and saw Aunt Hiake watching a movie. She turned to you and said, "Wow! Look at you! You look gorgeous today, y/n. Are you headed out?"

You did a little twirl and bow for her and told her about your plans before heading out the door to the boba shop.

You saw Bakugo leaning up against the wall on the front side of the shop

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You saw Bakugo leaning up against the wall on the front side of the shop. Internally your jaw dropped as you took him in. He wore a t-shirt and jeans that showed off his toned body and his face was relaxed which just made him all the more attractive. You didn't want him to see your internal thoughts, so you smiled and waved hello as you lightly jogged towards him. He looked you up and down and you could tell by his face that he liked what he saw.

"Hey," the blonde said as he pushed himself off the wall and approached you.

"I hope you weren't waiting too long," you said as you walked into the shop together.

"I got here just a couple of minutes before you did."

He offered to pay for your drink, which made the whole thing feel more like a date to you. After getting your drinks, you walked over to a table for two and sat across from each other.

You chatted for a bit. Convo came easy with Bakugo. He definitely had passion for many things just like you, which you appreciated. And he was actually pretty funny when there wasn't someone around that irritated him.

"Do you want another drink, y/n?" He asked.

You paused for a moment, feeling a little like a deer in headlights. "You didn't call me Red Hot."

"You okay with that?"

"Yeah...yeah, of course."

"You can call me Katsuki if you want." He said and he took your cup, heading over to the counter and buying you each another drink.

He came back with a drink in each hand and offered you one of the cups. You brushed his hand lightly with your fingers as you took your cup and felt energy radiating up your arm. He looked into your eyes which made you think that he felt the connection between you as well.

"Sorry, we are closing up," the person behind the counter said to you a couple of hours later.

Wait, what? How did several hours pass already?

You walked out together and stood across from each other for a minute, not really sure how to say goodbye. You knew what you wanted to do. You had been thinking about kissing him again since last night, but were too nervous so you just stared at the floor. He reached for your hand and tugged slightly, pulling you closer to him, placing his other hand beneath your chin to angle it up towards him.

He leaned in and kissed you, gently at first but it got more intense as he placed his hands around your waist and pulled you in closer. You melted into him and reached up to grab the nape of his neck as your tongues intertwined. It was the perfect end to your day.

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