Bakugo Part 8

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···Bakugo POV···

There was a cute box sitting on my desk when I got into school the next day. It was definitely not the size box that someone would give obligatory chocolate in. I opened it up and sure enough it was a large heart with LOVE written across it. I'm glad that y/n and I were on good terms again.

I looked out and saw y/n giving obligatory chocolates to a few classmates out in the halls. Kaminari looked a little too happy about recieving a chocolate from her. It was annoying.

I'm not the biggest sweets fan, but I didn't want all of her hard work to to waste, so I took a bite out of the chocolate and set it back down on my desk.

A couple of the other girls from class set down their small chocolates. I had no intention of eating them though. Maybe y/n would want them.

Y/n came back into the classroom with a huge grin and her face and walked over to my desk and looked down at the box that she gave me and frowned. She knew that I wasn't big into sweets so I'm not sure why she was so annoyed that I didn't eat more. Then she just turned around and left without saying a word.

···Y/N POV···


You were so annoyed when you saw the partially eaten chocolate sitting on Bakugo's desk. You didn't know who it was from, so you glanced around the room looked at the other girls in the room. You knew them all very well and as you glanced at them one by one, you thought to yourself that there was no way that any of them would do that to you since they all knew you and Bakugo were together.

Then you remembered, the raven haired girl from class 1-B, Yui Kodai. It had to be her. You looked out into the hallway and sure enough the girl was was looking into the classroom in Bakugo's direction.

You walked out and stood in front of her , blocking her view into the classroom.

"Is there some reason that you are giving my boyfriend chocolates when as far as I know, you aren't even friends with him?" You stared her down.

She seemed to cower a bit and stammered out, "uhh... Huh?? Are you with Bakugo?"

"Yeah. We have been for a while."

"Oh um, I-I really didnt know," the girl responded back.

You felt a little bad, clearly the girl really wasn't aware. So you just mumbled, "It's fine, now you know." And turned on your heel to walk away.

When you walked back into the room you saw Bakugo following you with his eyes. You walked back over to his desk and threw your chcolate for him on his desk and said in snarky tone, "This is the chocolate from me, you just ate the chocolate from Yui."

Bakugo looked up at you, over to Yui, then back at you. Realizing his mistake he got an irritated look on his face and blurted out, "Well how the fuck was I supposed to know?"  

"Maybe next time you shouldn't assume."

You could see the misunderstanding, but you were still annoyed so you went back to your desk and waited for the bell to start class.

You were sitting down at lunch and you could feel a little bit of tension between you and Bakugo. Not exactly how I wanted to spend Valentine's Day.

"Are you still upset?" The blonde boy asked.

"I don't know. I'm just pissed that you seemed to be fine with eating some girl's chocolates," you snapped back. All of a sudden you saw a smile plastered across Bakugo's face. " What." you directed towards him, not exactly asking a question but it was more used as a statement.

"I think this is the first time I've seen you jealous," Bakugo said, still grinning.

You were slightly embarassed and could feel your face flush.  "Well, yeah! I don't want anyone else thinking they even stand a chance." you said back.

"Now you know how I feel everyday with all of these extras ogling what is mine."


"So, I'm sorry about everything earlier," you said to Bakugo as you met him by the gates of the school. He pulled you into him and pressed you into his chest as he said, "I guess I just need to make sure that everyone knows that you are mine so that we dont have the problem again." 

"You mean both of us do," you said and lightly bit his neck, making his eyes go wide.

"You are so going to get it when we get back to my place," he growled seductively before dragging you by your arm at a pace that was much quicker than usual.

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