💜 Heartbreak and Hope 💥💥

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After the volleyball game you split off into guys and girls and went closer to the ocean.

You took your t-shirt and shorts off and ran into the water, splashing Mina and Ochaco on the way in. You tried your best just forget both of the boys, but every time you looked over in their direction your heart would race, plus every once in a while you would catch their eyes and it sent you off in your mind once again. Shinso didn't look as mad as he was earlier, but he didn't exactly look happy either. You also caught Bakugo looking you up and down a couple of times which made you internally blush.

"OoooOo..." Mina teased, seeing what was going on. "Someone is popular today."

"The only reason Shinso is looking over is because he's pissed at me for not telling him about my quirk." You knew there was more to it than that but didn't feel you needed to complicate the conversation.

"I thought you really liked Shinso, y/n?" she questioned.

Still hurt that he was pissed at you, you responded, "Nah, he's just a friend from childhood."

"A friend? Well in that case maybe I could talk to him a bit more," the pink girl said looking to see your reaction. "He's pretty cute."

"Yeah..." you responded absentmindedly. "Go for it." You knew it was the exact opposite of what you wanted to happen, but if he was just going to be a dick, then maybe you didn't really want to try to work things out.

"Well what about our little hot tempered grenade then?"

"Uh yeah.... He's cute." You said, only half paying attention and lost in your thoughts.

You heard the other girls around you start to giggle and tease you, as Mina quipped up,"Well he certainly seems to have taken a liking to you." She pointed down the beach at Bakugo who was staring right at you. You blushed slightly.

The rest of the day you had fun eating and playing on the beach with the girls and before you knew it the sun was setting. Several of the students left, but a handful stayed behind and the remaining boys started to build a bonfire.

"Let's play truth or dare," Mina squealed. Everyone sort of looked around at each other to see if anyone was game. Kirishima and Kaminari looked eager and one by one the rest of the group agreed. "Great, let's get settled then," she grabbed Shinso's arm and pulled him to sit at the campfire by her.

The first few people that went either got greatly embarrassed about revealing something about themselves or even more embarrassed by having to do something ridiculous. Eventually it made its way around the circle and landed on Shinso. He picked dare and Kaminari looked at him for a little bit before saying, "Okay, I have a good one that I bet you won't do." He paused for a minute and got a sheepish look on his face, and then said, "Kiss one of the girls here."

The group of boys got very rowdy as Shinso looked around at you, Mina, and Ochaco, who were the only girls remaining. He stared at you for a minute and big smirk flashed across his face. He then turned to Mina and planted a kiss on her which she returned, half in shock. It lasted only half a minute or so, but it seemed like an eternity. He came up for air and looked back at you, anxious to see your reaction.

You could almost feel your heart physically breaking. You wanted to cry, but you were also extremely pissed. You did your best to keep your expression neutral, but you were afraid that everyone there could see right through the facade. You wanted so badly to just hurt him like he had been doing to you all day.

The rowdy group settled down a bit after a couple additional turns and you heard them announce that Bakugo was next and he also picked dare. Kirishima was stalling for time, trying to think of something to have him do when you thought to yourself, tell him to kiss me. "Kiss y/n," Kirishima suddenly said.

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