🍋Bakugo side story 2🍋

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Two lines.

There's two lines.

You closed the lid of the toilet and sat on top of the seat. You suspected that it was coming.

Just that morning, you went to the grocery store to pick up a few things for dinner. You were walking by a sample station where a very friendly woman was handing out fresh deli meats. Almost as soon as you walked by, you had an overwhelming urge to vomit.

No. No. No. I can't vomit here.

Looking atound you, you knew that you were not going to be able to get to the restroom in time. Panicked, you threw up in the garbage that was next to kind lady running the sample station.

You saw an elderly man walk by soon afterwards and he was shooting you a horrified look and then looking at the deli meat samples.

"Oh no, no, no," you said, feeling your face get red with embarassment.. "I'm sure the meats are delicious. I'm not throwing up from them. I swear."

The elderly man backed up and walked the direction he came from, not wanting to even go by the scene.

"You okay, sweetie?" the lady behind the station said to you, handing you a napkin to wipe your mouth. "Is it morning sickness?"

Morning sickness?

And here you sat, two hours later, looking down at the test that was going to change your entire life.

Two lines.

Should I tell Bakugo tonight? Should I find a cute way to tell him? He will be happy with this, right?


"So I think I finally figured out some furniture to get for our extra room," you said to Bakugo, as you put the last dish in the dishwasher and started it.

He looked over at you as if he was  expecting you to say more and then gave you a questioning look, "What were you thinking?"

"Come with me," you said, dragging him off to the room by his hand.

The room was still completely empty, still not being furnished since your recent move in. In the middle of the floor was the pregnancy test with the two lines.

As Bakugo walked in he noticed the test and walked over to it, picking it up to see what it was.

He looked down at the test, studying it for a minute, then looked over at you, and back at the test again as his eyes widened and a huge smile spread across his face.

"I was thinking we could get some baby furniture?" you said, smiling back at him.

"Is this real?"

You shook your head up and down as you chewed lightly on your nail, eager to see how he was going to take the news. "Are you happy?"

"Fuck yeah," the blonde said, pulling you into him to hug you close. "I'm so happy. Are you too?"

"Yeah. As long as they look like you," you responded back.

···3 months later···

"Ice cream sounds so good," you hinted towards Bakugo, nudging his bare chest, as you laid on the blonde boy while watching TV and flipping through your phone looking at baby clothes.

"What flavor do you want? I think we have a few in the freezer," he said pushing himself off of the couch and heading towards the fridge.

"(Favorite ice cream flavor)."

After scooping the ice cream for you, Bakugo came back and handed you the bowl. "Service tax," he said, scooping a small bite to steal from you. You noticed that a small amount fell into his chin and leaned over to lick it off, kissing him erotically afterwards.

"Dont start something you can't finish."

"Who said I'm not going to finish?" you said, seductively walking your fingers down his bare chest, adding, "Doctor said sex is okay during pregnancy."

He leaned into you and kissed you deeply, running his hands through your hair. As your kissing got more heated, the ice cream, which was now melting, got knocked over and spilled onto both of you.

You made your way down his chest, towards his abs, licking up the sticky mess that the melted ice cream created. It was delightfully sweet and smelled amazing mixed with his caramel scent.

Wanting more skin contact, you both peeled off the rest of your clothes and threw them aside.

Centering yourself between his legs, you looked down at the extra large cock that laid before you.

Did he get even bigger? 

You ran your tongue up and down the underside of his now fully erect penis, wrapping your lips around the tip, causing Bakugo to moan loudly. Your hands slowly pumped his shaft as the juices and saliva spilled down. You bobbed your head up and down a few times and felt his hips thrusting up in time with your head.

"That feels so amazing, y/n," he growled. "I want it in you though."

As you came up off of him, he crashed into your lips with his and pushed you back onto the couch.

He began bring into you, running his shaft at the front of your pubic bone and into your clit, you felt pulses start to flow into your core, begging to be filled.

"Put it in," you demanded, while reaching down and pressing his tip at your entrance.

Bakugo thrust into you fully, sheathing himself completely. He started pumping into you, hitting all the right spots making you mewl in delight.

Grabbing your legs and and putting them onto his shoulders, you felt him go depeer and deeper into you, hitting a spot that sent you over the edge in an orgasm. As you let the moans of ecstasy  escape your lips, his pace quickened until he started getting sloppy and uneven, and you felt his member pulse in you and he groaned loudly.

"You okay?" he said, pulling out and collapsing on you with his head on your chest.

"I feel amazing," you said.

"Baby still good?"

"I think?" you shrugged, "Poor kid might end up having dents in his head though."

"Wait, really?" Bakugo said, pulling up off your chest in surprise.

"Hahah, I'm just joking. The little firecracker will be fine. You can see for yourself at the ultrasound tomorrow."

"I can't wait to meet you," he said, talking towards your belly as he rubbed it lightly.

"They should be able to tell us the sex tomorrow," you said, "Are you hoping for a girl or boy?"

"Girl." Bakugo said. "My little princess is going to be spoiled rotten."

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