⚪ Half and Half 🔴

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As you arrived at the Todoroki house the following night, you felt nervous. A boy around your age opened that door and invited you and your aunt inside.

Dinner was nice and you tried to talk to the boy across from you, not sure of what to really talk about so you brought up school

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Dinner was nice and you tried to talk to the boy across from you, not sure of what to really talk about so you brought up school. He was very attractive with dual hair that was white on one side and red on the other. His eyes were also two different colors and had a scar on one side of his face, but it did not detract from his looks at all.

He quietly said that he was going to be going to UA and that his father had recommended him into the hero program allowing him to skip the usual process to get into the elite school. UA. You had heard so much about UA and it was one of the school's that you were planning on applying to so you decided to talk to him more about the school.

After you finished dinner and dessert, the adults in the room stayed at the table talking amongst themselves as you continued talking to the boy. He was very polite which made you feel like you had to use your best manners. But he seemed to relax a little bit after the adults left the room and so you followed suit and relaxed as well.

"I heard my father talking about your aunt's quirk. It sounds similar to Hellflame."

"Yeah. I have the same quirk as her. I inherited it from my dad." The statement was technically true, but you didn't feel it was necessary to elaborate on the details of how you inherited the quirk. You continued to talk for a bit when the Todoroki boy suddenly changed the subject.

"If you are actually interested in going to UA, I could ask my father to recommend you," the dual hair boy said.

"OMG. Really?" You replied back, eyes widening at the thought of being able to go to the top hero school in the nation.

You talked more with Todoroki for the rest of the night. He was definitely on the quiet side, but was fairly easy to talk to, even if he was very matter of fact at times. By the end of the night you two had hit it off and he said you could call him Shoto if you wanted to.

The following day you got a call from UA. Apparently Shoto actually got his father to recommend you! You were elated and celebrated with your aunt that evening by going out for ice cream.

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