Shinso part 9

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···Several days later···

"So you never really told me about your new hero costume," you said to Shinso as you headed out of the doors of classroom 1-A. "It reminds me a lot of Mr. Aizawa's binding cloth."

"That's because it's almost identical to his," Shinso said, taking your hand in his as you walked side by side. "I still need some more practice to get as good as him, but I already have pretty decent control of it."

"Oh?" you responded back. "Let's spar then. I want to see you in action."

"You're on," Shinso replied. "Just say when."

"I bet no one is using the training arena right now. No time like the present, right?"

A/N: For anyone unaware of Shinso's new hero costume. He not only has the same binding cloths that Aizawa has, but he also has artificial vocal chords in his mask. This device has plates that transform and resonate Hitoshi's voice, mimicking any voice that he wants to, then directly emits it into his surroundings. Which means he is able to throw "his" voice anywhere and imitate anyone at all.

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"You sure you don't want me to hold back at all Toshi?" you questioned as you readied yourself in a fighting stance.

"Give me everything that you've got."

"Dont cry later, when I beat your ass," you taunted. With those words, you shot flames at the indigo haired boy, which he swiftly dodged.

"Ha, as if," Shinso shot back. "You better give me all you've got too then, l/n."

You saw his binding cloth shoot out in your direction, but since you were still a good distance away, it gave you enough time to dive out of the way.

Wow, he's gotten much faster. I'll definitely need to keep my distance or I will get caught up in that.

You shot off several more bursts of fire just narrowly missing him every time. This continued for quite some time, neither Shinso or you landing any of your hits on each other. While it was true that you needed to keep your distance from him to avoid getting wrapped up in his binds, the distance seemed to be detrimental to your plan as well.

You mentally went over a few different plans to try to overtake him, finally settling on one you thought had the best chance of working. You closed the space between the two of you, knowing that you would not be able to dodge his binding cloth completely, but you felt it was the only way you would be able to make any progress in the match.

He shot the binding cloth in your direction and you jumped to the side as his cloth wrapped around your left forearm. As soon as you felt it connect with your forearm, you jerked your left arm down which knocked off Shinso's equilibrium. At the same moment, you also shot flames in his direction with your right side. The purple haired boy tried to dodge the flames, but since he was already off balance he tumbled to the floor. Seizing the moment you jumped on top of him, straddling his torso. "I got you right where I want you," you said, as you looked down at the boy who was glistening with sweat, his chest heaving in the same heavy time as your chest.

Just then you heard a familiar voice say, "What do you two think you are doing?" You didn't even need to turn around to know that it was Aizawa.

"Uhhhh..... Sorry Mr Ai---," you stammered. Then it hit you. Everything was blank. It was the same dazed feeling that you had experienced many times growing up. Even knowing Shinso's quirk and that his artificial vocal chords could imitate anyone's voice, you still fell right into his trap.

It wasn't until you felt the binding straps on both sides and felt yourself pinned to the floor that you finally gained control of your body again. Shinso was straddling you as he lowered his mask and revealed a cocky smirk on his face. "You give up?"

"I could totally get out of this still," you bluffed, knowing full well it was not likely for that to actually happen. Let me go.

"Sorry, l/n," Shinso said, "your quirk isn't going to work on me that easily right now. I'll let you go if you give me a kiss though."

You looked up at the boy, who was now leaning in, just inches from your face. He was close enough for you to smell his musky, sweet scent and his eyes were intense as you fell into their infinite hues of purple, reds, and blues. You leaned into him and embraced his lips with yours, giving him a slight nibble on his bottom lip before plunging your tongue into his mouth. He returned your kiss with an enthusiasm that made you realize you weren't the only one that thought it was an extremely long week away from each other.

Just then you heard someone clear their throat. Panicked, you pulled away and turned to see Aizawa standing there with his arms folded across his chest. You looked back at Shinso who had a deer-in-headlights look on his face that you could only imagine mirrored your own expression.

"This has been quite the eventful first week, Shinso," the sleep deprived teacher said. "Maybe you should save play like this for when you are in a more. private. setting."

You felt the binding straps loosen around you and heard Shinso stammer, "S-sorry, Mr. Aizawa."

"Seems like your technique must have gotten better if you were able to capture this one though," Aizawa said, motioning in your direction.

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