🍋Shinso Part 5🍋

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***Mature content ahead***

"I'll get us some drinks if you want to go into my room and start getting the materials out."

"Here this should help," you said several minutes later, handing him a hot tea. You took off his jacket and threw it next to you on the bed and plopped down next to him and opened up your books. "Thanks for letting me use your jacket."

A couple of hours later your brain was fried from trying to cram as much knowledge as possible in a short amount of time. "Want to take a break?" Shinso said and jabbed you slightly in the ribs. This caused you to jolt and you let out a half giggle and half shriek from him finding your ticklish spot.

"Oh no! Two can play at this game!"

Before you knew it, Shinso had overpowered you and you were beneath his clutches. It reminded you of the first day that he had kissed you all those months ago. You leaned into each other as your lips met and soon your tongues were entangled in a dance. You had kissed him countless times, but you felt a growing warmth radiating within you which made the embrace feel more intense than usual.

You opened and looked up at his lidded, bedroom eyes that seemed to have a hunger to them. You were sure that you had a similar expression on your face as you ran your fingers through his indigo hair. "I love you, y/n," Shinso said in such a way it was slightly breathy. He was chewing on his lips in a very cute way that made you want to kiss him more.

"I love you too, Toshi"

His lips met yours again, and the heat radiated throughout your body as the sensation between your legs intensified. You were extremely aware of every place that your bodies were touching each other now and you could feel his pelvis pressing into yours.

Your hand, that was combing through his hair, wandered down and you found yourself going up under his shirt and slowly tracing the lines in his back and chest. Shinso's breath hitched and he shivered slightly as goosebumps started to form across his body. You wanted him to touch you back more than anything, so with your other hand you slightly lifted your shirt, hoping that he would notice and take the invite.

His urgent kisses slowly started to wander and you felt his tongue caressing your neck. You felt a few light nibbles and every once in a while he would find a spot on you that needed extra attention as he lightly sucked and flicked his tongue across your supple skin. His hand found your bare waist that you had exposed earlier and he slowly stroked your side underneath your shirt sending electric impulses up and down your entire body.

More than anything you wanted Shinso's skin pressed up against yours, so you tugged slightly up on his shirt hoping that he too wanted the same thing. He came up for a moment and pulled off his shirt and you followed suit by taking yours off as well, exposing your violet bra underneath. At the same time he repositioned himself so that instead of being on top of you, he was next to you with his body slightly between your legs. With his better vantage point he took in your entire body with his eyes and looked back up into your eyes with a lust you had never seen from him before. Wanting to get closer to him, you wrapped one leg around his hips and pressed into him.

The warmth of your skin touching made you very aware of just how close you two were at the moment. It was a stark contrast to the cold that was brewing outside.

Your lips came together again and you grabbed tightly around his waist to pull him closer to you taking in his scent. You could feel his bulge pressing up against you now and it only made you want more. You could feel the pressure on your clit as he ground his hips into you rhythmically. It was driving you mad and you wanted more. Your hand slowly moved to his waistband slightly putting a finger just barely below on the inside to let him know you wanted them off. He undid the button of his pants and pulled them down, throwing them onto the floor.

Shinso also wanted more skin contact and took a singular finger and traced along your waistband and said, "Can I?" You nodded at him and your breath hitched slightly as he pulled your bottoms off. You felt a wetness soaking through your underwear at this point and when you looked over at him you saw that there was a slight amount of precum on his underwear as well. You both were clearly wanting things to go further.

You looked into his purple eyes and saw a whole universe inside of them. He gazed lovingly back at you tracing along your cheek with his thumb to your lips, slightly spreading them apart as he gently pressed his thumb into them.

"I'm ready," you thought to yourself. Shinso's lidded eyes widened and you knew that he understood you perfectly.

He went in for another kiss and then then slowly kissed along your neck to your collarbone and gently pushed your bra strap aside. You reached around and unhooked your bra, allowing it to fall off onto the bed. Shinso lightly cupped your breasts and you let out a light whimper at the touch. You felt his hips press into you more and you reached around to his backside and slipped your fingers underneath his underwear. You could feel the muscles in his ass flex everytime he would grind into you and you pulled him closer.

He came up from where he was working on your body and pressed his forehead into yours for a moment and gave you a small kiss before sliding down his boxer briefs and then slipped his fingers over the front of your panties and rubbed a few small circles over your clit which caused your breath to hitch.

You slid down your panties which were now sopping wet and threw them onto the floor not paying attention to where they might land.

"Hold on," Shinso said and started rummaging through his bag. He quickly turned back to you, condom now in hand, and gave to another kiss and whispered into your ear in his low husky voice, "I love you more than anything, y/n."

"I love you more and I want to be with you."

"Me too," the purple haired boy said and he ripped open the condom packet with his teeth. You watched as he slowly rolled the condom over his member which had veins bulging from the internal pressure. Looking down you were a little anxious not knowing how something that big would be able to fit. You knew that he was one of the taller boys at the school, but it seemed disproportionately large at this point, both in girth and length.

He positioned himself over your entrance and nudged the tip into you slightly. You winced slightly at the pressure at first but as he slowly inched in, you just felt full and the tightness within you loosened a bit. Shinso let out a low moan as he fully sheathed himself into you and his tip pressed up against your insides sending pulses of pleasure up your spine. Knowing how much he was already enjoying it made you loosen up more and you could feel the moistness within you seeping out.

The pressure eventually gave way to pleasure as he slowly started to pump in and out. Each time he thrust back in you felt a jolt go through your body and you could see the pleasure on his face as you both made small moans. He hooked his arm under one of your legs, resting your leg in his elbow and with the other hand reached down and rubbed gently over your clit. The sensation took over your body and you arched your back and let out a soft mewl of pleasure. This only seemed to excite him more as he dug his fingers of his free hand into the back of your thigh.

You felt an immense feeling building in your core and you could tell that you were getting close to climax. "I'm close," you thought and directed it toward him. This caused him to quicken his pace and drive deeper, hitting a spot deep within you. The repeated pounding was causing you to go insane as pleasure took over your entire body. You felt yourself tightening around him as your orgasm took over and soon his pace became sloppy and frantic. A few pumps later and he pressed into you deeper and you could see his face contorting as he held himself deep within you until his member quit twitching.

He collapsed onto you as you both tried to catch your breath and you felt his heart pounding on your chest. He met your face and gave you a small kiss before pulling out and disposing of the condom. Exhausted you laid in his arms just listening to his heart beat wildly. You could feel his hand drawing circles on your back and could feel his gaze on you and he lighty kissed the top of your head.

You wanted nothing more than to fall asleep that way, but you knew that your aunt would not be pleased with that situation, so after embracing for a while you both gathered up your clothing and put it on.

"I think we may need to study more this weekend," you said with a devious grin on your face.

Shinso pulled you into him and said, "Yes, we definitely need to study up so that we don't fail our finals. Also... thanks for warming me up," he said with a chuckle.

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