💜 Forgiveness? 💜

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"So we are going to be pairing up with class 1-C today for some quirk practice," Aizawa announced a few days later. "Keep in mind that many of you have had a lot more experience working with your quirks then they have." 

"Tsk," Bakugo announced openly to the class. "I don't see why we have to work with these losers with their weak ass quirks."  

Deku chimed in about being excited to help other people be their best and Iida told everyone to be on their best behavior. Most of the class seemed excited to be working with new people.

The class 1-C teacher came in followed by the class and started announcing pairs of names that people were going to work with. You ended up getting paired up with Shinso.

You saw Aizawa talk to Shinso for a brief moment before he walked over to you. Wonder what that was about?

You were nervous because you hadn't really had a conversation with him in over a week. You weren't sure how he was going to take the two of you being paired up. To try to ease the tension you finally said, "Just like old times, right?" and you laughed lightly.

 To try to ease the tension you finally said, "Just like old times, right?" and you laughed lightly

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"Yeah," he said quietly. He was fiddling with a scarf around his neck that actually looked quite similar to Aizawa's scarf. He looked at you for a moment and then he took in a deep breath like he had something to say. 

"I'm sorry," you both said in unison. 

"Go ahead," you said.

"Look, I'm sorry that I got so mad at you about your new quirk. I guess it just hurt me a lot because it was always the two of us, and we didn't need heroic quirks to become heroes." You could tell that his apology was genuine as he continued, "And I was just a complete idiot for kissing Mina when I really just wanted to kiss you." 

"No," you injected, "it was all my fault. I didn't tell you about my quirk and I can see why you would be so hurt by it. But I promise that I really just forgot to tell you because so much has happened." 

"Can we be okay again?" 

"I'd like that," you replied.

You continued to talk for a bit, explaining how you got your new quirk and trying to make things right again between the two of you, when Aizawa boomed across the classroom, "Shinso, l/n, are you going to keep talking, or are you going to practice your quirks?" You saw out of the corner of your eye Bakugo staring in your direction so you quickly focused and got back to the task at hand.

° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °

You flopped on your bed after school,  wanting to take a nap. Whenever you had to use your quirk in class it was exhausting, like being out in the sun all day. You felt your phone buzz next to you and picked it up.


You sure we are good? 


Yeah. Ofc. You good too?


Yeah, but I do have a question. 




Is there something going on between you and Bakugo? 

I'm not even really sure how to answer this myself, how am I supposed to give an answer to someone else? 


There might be something, but I'm not really sure what to call it. 

It hurt you to write this, but you wanted to make sure you didn't ever keep anything from Shinso ever again. Last time you almost lost him because you kept information from him.


I kinda figured that he would be into someone as amazing as you. 

He was typing for what seemed like forever, then responded..


I'm just letting you know right now that I know I messed up, but I'm going to try my best to fix everything. 


We are good, Toshi. I promise.

How did I end up in this situation where I feel so strongly about two different people? 

You ended up drifting off to sleep and you were woken up by your aunt a couple of hours later. "Someone must have had a long day today," she said quietly. "Would you like some dinner?"

After dinner you saw there was another notice on your phone. It was a message from Mina.


So what were you and Shinso talking about in class today? It looked pretty intense.

What am I supposed to say? This whole situation was even more complicated than I realized. I completely forgot that Mina liked Shinso.


Uh yeah. We talked a bit.


Girl, I know you are probably freaking out right now. But I just wanted to let you know that I already know that you and Hitoshi like each other. 


Wait, did he say something to you?


Nothing needed to be said. I could tell how you two felt just by what happened at the beach that day.


And I also wanted to let you know that I might have made it seem like I liked him a lot more than I actually do. I just didn't want you to drift away from each other when everyone can clearly see how into each other you are. Unless you are planning on getting with Grenade Boy instead?

This is the last thing I would have thought would have happened today. 


I'm here for you no matter who you choose, oh…and I want to wear pink as my maid of honor dress. 


Thanks Mina. With how good you are treating me, I might just choose you instead! 


Ugh, I wish two guys both were fighting for my attention. BTW Have you figured out how you are going to handle this whole situation? 

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