Life Upside Down

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As your injuries slowly healed, you were almost thankful for your new quirk. It provided enough distraction for you in the daytime as your aunt started teaching you the basics of how to manifest and control the fire.

Your mind was still a swirl of images flashing before you as you thought back on the last week of events that had happened. You thought about your parents often, and how you would have to move across the world. You thought about your new Quickfire quirk and you thought about Shinso. What would he think about this new power?

"Can we visit my best friend before we go?" You asked your aunt on the day you were being released from the hospital.

Your aunt looked over at you and said, "We need to get to the airport before our flight takes off, but I will call the school to see if we can get his phone number."

After discharging from the hospital, you hopped into the taxi that was to take you to the airport, hoping that you would get Shinso's number before you had to board the plane.

···Shinso POV···

At school, the front office called me up to the front office and explained that y/n's aunt had called to ask for my number. I told them that I wanted to give it to her so that I could speak to y/n. The office explained that they would need to get approval from my parents after school. The rest of the day seemed to move at a snail's place as I waited for the end of the school day.

···Y/n POV···

Sadly, the school did not call back in time before you and your Aunt Hiake boarded the plane. Devestated, you broke down and cried most of the way on the plane to America. Ypu didnt know if Shinso would even know that you were moving or if he knew how much he meant to you.

You didn't know what to expect in your new life in America. You barely knew english, and didn't know anyone there except for your aunt. You just lost everything that you cared about in your life in such a short amount of time. And the whole ordeal seemed overwhelming.

But you thought of who you wanted to be for your parents and decided that you were going to try to make the best of the situation. You also thought about it and maybe this ordeal was a blessing in disguise. Now that you had the Quickfire quirk, you might not be seen as just a villian in the making.

When you started school the following week, you only mentioned your Quickfire quirk and said nothing of Control. Your fellow students looked at you for the first time with excitement in their eyes instead of the usual fear and dread that you had grown accustomed to.

Days turned to weeks, and weeks turned to months, and before you knew it you had grown into a beautiful young lady. You often thought of Shinso. You wondered if there was a way that you could find him. But life kept you busy and the distance made the thoughts of him slowly fade.

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