🍋Two is Better Than One part 8🍋

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···A few days later···

You, Shinso, and Bakugo arrived at Mina's house much later than you had intended. "Sorry we're late, we lost track of time."

"I'm so glad you are here!" Mina squealed while throwing her arms around your neck. She stayed there for just a moment and you suddenly felt wetness on your face and that's when you realized she was licking you. "Come in," she purred into your ear. You instantly knew why she was being so friendly as you smelled the alcohol on her breath.

That's when you took a moment to look around the room. She clearly wasn't the only one drinking. You saw Kaminari clumsily running after Jirou, trying to electrocute her. And Kirishima and Sero were taking shots and slamming the glasses down afterwards. Even Midoriya was looking tipsy as he jotted down something in his notebook.

"Uhhh," you said, taken back by the whole thing. "I didn't know we would be drinking. And is Midoriya drinking? How did that happen?"

"Oh," Mina slurred. "He wanted to analyze the effects of alcohol on his body."

"Tch," you heard Bakugo pipe up. "He's a weak ass, I would be able to handle more alcohol than him."

"Prove it," Mina said, shoving a glass into his hand. Bakugo looked at the glass in his hand and took a swig. "You guys want some too?" she said, directing her attention at you and Shinso.

"Fuck it," you said.

As you walked further into her house, you saw Mineta laying on the floor completely passed out with a duck drawn on his face. "How much did he have to drink?"

A/n: I intended for a dick to be drawn on his face, but when it autocorrected to duck, it cracked me up so much that I kept it.

"He only had half a drink, talk about a lightweight."

"Who drew the duck?"

"Hmmm, I have no clue what you are talking about," Mina said while waving a marker in front of her face and smiling.


"Wanna get a taxi back to my place or should we take the train back?"

"Taxi," Bakugo and Shinso both said in unison.

You were feeling quite buzzed, but you were definitely much better off than several other people at Mina's house. You looked at Bakugo and Shinso who seemed to be in a similar state, aware but with a little lower inhibitions.

The ride home was fairly quick and you were happy to see that your Aunt Hiake was already in bed as you came in so you didn't have to explain your state to her.

As you closed the bedroom door behind you, you saw Shinso take his shirt off and throw it to the floor. "It's so hot in here. Is it hot in here? It's hot in here. Maybe it's the alcohol. It's hot." You giggled at how cute he was as his thoughts went unfiltered.

"Yeah," Bakugo said, throwing aside his shirt that was moist with sweat. "I'm roasting too. I need to take a cold shower or something."

"You're both so hot," you mumbled under your breath while staring at the shirtless boys. You turned slightly red, realizing that your internal thought was said outloud as well.

"Ugh. Has it been a week yet?" Bakugo said.

"It's been three days," Shinso replied.

"Only three days? Maybe three days is long enough." you cheekily said. You walked towards them, and shoved each lightly until they fell back into the bed, surprising both. "Ugh. I wish I could have you both right now."

Control | Bakugo x Female Reader x ShinsoWhere stories live. Discover now