💥 You're Going Down Part 2 💥

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"Get your hero costumes on and head to the training area," Aizawa announced to the class after everyone got back from lunch.

You followed the rest of your classmates and split into two groups as you entered the locker room with the rest of the girls in your class. 

You and your Aunt Hiake had put a lot of thought into your hero costume several months ago. You had a tank style leotard on so that more of your body was exposed to the open air for cooling when using your fire quirk. Titanium gauntlets were wrapped around your forearms with little vents, they had cooling effects but they also gave added protection from blows that you might take. The shin guards on your legs were made from the same titanium and were attached to some comfy boots. The main color of your outfit was red, just like your dad's costume from when he was still alive. You had a few purple embellishments that reminded you of the ones that your mother used to have on her outfit. You looked around and noticed that your costume was more simple than the rest, but it reminded you of your parents and wouldn't change it for anything. After everyone was done changing, you went out to the training area.

"Nice costume," you said to Bakugo as he came out of the locker room. His costume hugged him in all of the right places showing off a physique that was clearly worked on a lot.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He half snapped back at you.

"I meant that I actually really like your hero costume, it suits you perfectly."

He grinned and puffed his chest out slightly, "Yeah, of course it does," he added, eyeing you up and down, "Yours isn't half bad either."

"We are going to do some one on one battles today, and I'm tired from my hero work last night so you can take the time to pair yourselves off with each other," Aizawa said

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"We are going to do some one on one battles today, and I'm tired from my hero work last night so you can take the time to pair yourselves off with each other," Aizawa said. "Don't hurt each other, or you'll get detention for a week." You and Bakugo looked at each other. You had been waiting for a time when you could show each other what you were really made of.

"Let's see how things really are when it's not just a game, Red Hot!" he growled at you as you both walked to opposite sides of the practice area.

You stared across the way at Bakugo who was about 100 yards away as you readied yourself into position. When you were told to go you barrelled at each other and met up at the center in less than 2 seconds. You had seen Bakugo fight a few times and noticed that he usually opened with a right hook. So as you approached him, you dodged and threw an uppercut at him, landing squarely on his face. 

You made decent contact with him but he seemed semi unphased by the punch and immediately activated his quirk towards you. You managed to barely jump before it did any real damage to you, but felt a stinging on your leg from where he singed you a tiny bit. You didn't have time to think about that now though, and immediately threw fire at him as he perfectly dodged it. 

A few more hits landed on each other, almost as if you were taking turns. You managed to knock him off balance, but he was able to recover very quickly and returned a burst towards you. You dodged and kicked at him at the same time and landed squarely on his jaw. Again he seemed somewhat unphased by the hard blow. The fight had been going on for a while now, nearly evenly matched. But you were starting to become exhausted, not sure how long you could keep up this pace. Bakugo seemed to not be phased at all by the fast pace and kept the same speed that he started the match with.

You were readying another blow towards him when Bakugo caught you off guard and managed to grab and pin you to a nearby wall. One hand on the wall behind you, the other keeping you immobilized. You were trapped in a cage of his muscular arms and tried to figure out a way out of the situation. You both were still breathing heavy from the fight and felt sweat dripping off of your body. But you were too exhausted to fight, so you gave in. He felt you relax under his grasp and started leaning towards you. 

Wait, what is he doing? Is he going to kiss me?

Your heart thumping wildly, you were sure that he would be able to feel it because you two were so close. You closed your eyes and a caramel smell filled your nostrils, intoxicating you. It was the first time you had ever been this close to the blonde boy and your body let you know that it was aware of this fact.  As he bent down towards you, you were extremely aware of his breath on your cheek as he whisper growled into your ear, "I win." Your eyes shot open. He slowly pulled back and a devious smile flashed across his face. You stared into each other's eyes for what seemed like an eternity, but it was actually closer to a minute. His eyes were softer than normal but still had an intensity that made you feel like you were being drawn in. Just as you started to get lost in his gaze, he released you and offered his hand to help you off the wall.

Did he feel that too?

You watched a few more of the battles, but you had to admit that most weren't even close to as intense as your fight with Bakugo. Plus you were still distracted by what had just transpired. Then it hit you, "Fuck, I should have used Control."

As you took off your hero costume later in the locker room, you replayed the fight between you two. A small smile flashed across your face and you felt yourself getting slightly giddy just thinking about it. Mina must have noticed your giddiness and said, "Someone is happy."

Control | Bakugo x Female Reader x ShinsoWhere stories live. Discover now