Author's Note

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As we know our boys are similar in many ways but very different as well.
So I thought I would do a breakdown of the head canon I have for each character.

Who makes the first move?

Well we sort of already know the answer to this since I already wrote it but...

Bakugo: He has so much confidence that he would always make the first move. Because who wouldn't want him, right?

Shinso: He is a tad more shy than Bakugo, only because he has felt judged at certain times in his life. But if he's fairly confident, then he will make first move.

Who is the most insecure and what makes them feel better?

Bakugo: He definitely has some insecurities, but likes to hide them behind confidence. He hides it very well most of the time, but it usually comes out as jealousy or anger or his over the top need to prove himself worthy. Because he is insecure, he wants to make sure you always know how amazing you are, so that you won't ever feel insecure.

Shinso: Has some insecurities as well, but doesn't feel that he needs to hide them as much. So as he has gotten older, he has gained more confidence.

Who is the most romantic?

Bakugo: He has a more aggressive, in the moment way of being romantic. He always wants to be the best, which includes being the best boyfriend. So he will make sure y/n is happy by doing romantic gestures.

Shinso: Internally is extremely romantic, but doesn't always voice it. Again it goes back to judgement in childhood. He puts a lot of thought and planning into romantic gestures though.

Who can’t keep their hands to themselves?

Bakugo: Is very handsy, all the time. Everywhere. EVERYWHERE. He is not shy of any type of PDA.

Shinso: More handsy in private.

Who says ‘I love you’ first?

Bakugo: When he figures out his feelings, he's fine saying them. But sometimes it takes him a while to figure out how he feels.

Shinso: Fell in love with y/n in childhood and held on to those feelings for years. So he wanted to tell y/n right away, but waited a little bit because he didn't want so make y/n feel uncomfortable.

Would they ever have a threesome?

I actually have a third ending in mind for this story where this takes place. If I get enough votes I will write it. It's actually quite the twist.

That aside, I don't think either boy would choose each other under normal circumstances. 

What do they like in bed?

Shinso: Wants to show you how much he loves you in the bedroom. Mood would determine if he took the reigns, or let y/n control things.

Bakugo: Likes to take the lead, but it pleasantly surprised if y/n takes the lead once in a while. Is a little vanilla now because he is young, but as he grows up would definitely be open to a wide variety of things in the bedroom. He would be extremely kinky.

When did they lose their virginity?

Shinso: Would wait until its organic or until y/n initiates.

Bakugo: He is a little less patient and thought about it for months before actually making a move.

Any fetishes/kinks?

Bakugo: Several. Will explore them more as he gets older.

Shinso: A couple, but is willing to go along with any that y/n has. They would probably allow each other control the other at least once, just to see what it's like.


Bakugo: Yes. Can pull an all nighter.

Shinso: Could go a couple of rounds, but cares just as much about the feelings behind it so he loves cuddling.

How do they react when they are embarassed?

Bakugo: Covers embarassment through distractions or anger.

Shinso: Rarely gets embarassed.

What would they hide from y/n?

Bakugo: If he failed a test or did something embarassing (especially hero work that went wrong) he wouldn't want y/n to know, but wouldn't hide it if confronted.

Shinso: Is not hiding things from y/n, but doesn't find the need to vocalize all inner thoughts unless asked.

When y/n has a cold, what do they do?

Bakugo: Would bring stuff to make y/n feel better and offer support. Depending on how sick y/n is, he might get handsy when he sees y/n flushed.

Shinso: Will make sure y/n has anything she needs.

When they fight, how do they make up?

Bakugo: 100% would have quintessential make up sex. A LOT of it.

Shinso: Y/n is the love of his life and would do anything to make sure things were good again.

Where do they go on their first date?
Where does their first kiss happen?
Where do they first have sex?

Read the story and find out!

Why do they fight?

Bakugo: They bicker a lot, but neither is trying to actually make the other mad. If they get into a fight it would probably be because of jealousy.

Shinso: Not being truthful or hiding things.

Would they marry in the future?

Bakugo: Yes. He's very headstrong and once his mind is made up it's hard to change it. Plus he wants to claim what is his.

Shinso: 100% yes. They only reason they wouldn't marry is because y/n doesn't want to.

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